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" Oh? That's my name now?" Oops shrugs with some giggles "A-Alright! Hahahaha!" I try to get up

" why is she acting like this?"

" It's the rejuvenator's power. It rejuvenates the gem, and transforms them back to how they were when they first emerged. Which means she's like this." Red explains. I frown and look at Oops. Oops' giggling, dancing around me, obviously overjoyed. I feel tears again. Oops hugs me tightly.

"Hey! Don't be sad! Your new best friend A—Oops is here!!" I latch onto her. Oops tightly embraces me back with a grin.

" It's gonna be hard to change her back."

"BUT, it is possible." Red says comfortingly.

" I want her back now..."

"I'm right here, silly goose!" Oops says through giggles.Green sighs

"Did she do this to herself?" I nod, holding on Oops tighter

" she didn't want to feel the pain anymore.."

"She's done this before.."

" It took a while, but we did get her back." Explains more.

"You just gotta...try and get her memories back. Show her the things she likes." I unembrace Oops, wiping away the tears that kept coming.Oops seemingly saddened and bothered by this, starts doing cartwheels around the room to make me feel better

"Taa-daa, best friend~!" I slightly giggle and stand up.

"come on, follow me...."

"Yay!" Oops says, giggling, and follows happily I walk back to Oops' room. Oops follows, looking around.

"woah. What is this place?" She asks.

"your ship, a-and this is your room..."

"My room?" She questions, scratching her head. "I don't remember having a room! Or a ship!" I grab her hand and drag her inside, I grab a half eaten pineapple of her's. "What is that?"

"a pineapple, your favorite food"

" My favorite whaat? But you're my favorite friend!"

" Food! not friend Oops, Food,"

"What's a feud?? Is it some kinda dance?!"Oops begins dancing.

"no you eat it, see," I pretend to eat it. I soon begin to watch Oops dance in front of me, placing half eaten pineapple on my lap and sighs sadly.

"Haha! Haha! This is fun! I can see why you like this pineapple thing!"

"it's not a dance tho, it's a food," I held the half eaten pineapple up to Oops. "this is a pineapple," Oops is eyeing it curiously.

"What's a...food?" she asks.

"Something organics like me eat, sometimes your kind does too, not all but some," I answer her question. She's seemingly still confused.

"how do you...eat this?" I stop for a moment, looking at the pineapple, contemplating on demonstrating by eating it or not.

"Um. . ." Oops cocks her head to the side waiting for me to explain it. "Here, open your mouth," Oops looks at me for a little bit before opening her mouth into a wide smile. I place the half eaten pineapple into her hand. Now when food like this is in your hand, you put it in your mouth and you bite into it. Make sure to chew before swallowing!" Oops looks confused at first, but puts it into her mouth and takes a might. Her eyes immediately shoot wide open, stars forming into her pupils.

Only Her's |Old|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang