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I wake up, looking around to see Oops far in the corner, her back facing me. One look out the window by me and I see I'm in space.... again. I stretch with a yawn. Oops doesn't even flinch and turn around from the noise.

"So.... what's the catch here, hm?" I say bluntly. "Why'd you get those three to get me? I thought I was of no use to you anymore...."

"Wasn't my idea. They kept insisting to have you, said having you around would do me some good, can't imagine why. But of course if 3 gems are insisting at the same time, you'll eventually cave in, so I guess you're our hostage again..."

"How wonderful..." I mumble to myself, but the ship is so quiet that she can hear it. "Now I can almost die of starvation, or better yet die from it..."

"Green always carries these weird earth things called cookies or whatever, so you'll be fine,"

"Cool..." I say as I lean on the wall behind me. I sigh softly

"I don't know.... you're not really a hostage, so do what you want, I don't care..." Oops says before walking off down a hallway. I hear Red and Green's voices, but it is mainly being muffled by the ships walls, but if I stay quiet I can hear what they are saying.

"So when is she gonna find out?" Red's muffled voice speaks out.

"I don't know, that's Oops' call, not ours," Green says back.

"I swear, we should just tell her,"

"You kidding!? Girls can't keep secrets, Oops would kill us!" Green says, "No, this is a thing better left for Oops to tell,"

"Alright fair enough," Red says with a sigh. "But if we ever go to come up with a plan to get those two together, she's gotta know," I give a confused look, wondering what they're even talking about, but I stay silent.

Then, the two walk out of the room, Green gives a shocked look when she sees me awake. " ....Hey! um.. how's life?" Red gives her the 'really' look when she says this.

"Just fine...." I don't bother looking at the two as I look out the ship window.

"Ok, good, well...bye!" Green says, scampering away. Red stands there contemplating on something. I sigh as I bring my legs to my chest and lay my head on them, closing my eyes.

"Hey if you're going to go to sleep, I've got something to tell you once you wake up, but you can't tell anyone I told you," Red says walking off down the hall. I huff, before going to sleep.


When I wake back up, it's a dead silence. I stretch a bit, whilst looking around the place. It was so quiet, I could hear a pin drop. It was deafening. I stood up after awhile and walked down a corridor, feeling unsure about leaving the room, but I needed to find Red . I could faintly hear movement in another room, so I walked to it. In the room, I see Red pacing back and forth, it didn't take her long to notice I was there.

"Oh.... hey," she says.

".....Hi," I walked cautiously into the room, but stayed by the door. "You wanted to tell me something once I woke up...?"

"Yeah, come here," Red said, assuring me over. "It's a secret you're not really supposed to know," I give her a questionable raised brow, as I walk over to her. "So you know how Oops has an edgy backstory that she doesn't wanna tell you?"


"Well...okay, you're not allowed to tell anyone, but I'm gonna tell you why she's like this in the first place, okay?"

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