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It's a cold evening, I walk down the boardwalk to my house. I had recently just got off work and I'm now heading home, finally!

The moon shines bright in the sky, the stars dancing around it.

The sky's clear, so I'm more than glad that I don't have to worry about rain on my way home. I sigh with content, happy to feel solitude, in a way. I look at the time on my phone, seeing that It's late, for some people.

"10:56.." I mutter to myself. I approach my front door, only to stop on the porch. "Did I leave my front door open?" I ask myself, hesitant to open the door. For all I know there could be a murderer inside, ready to strike at any moment! But I had to know, because I am my curious ass self. I push my front door open more, walking slowly into my house, I feel tense. Really tense. I swear I closed the door... I think to myself. Looking around my house. First the living room, seeing nothing. Then to my kitchen, also nothing. I stand in front of my stairs, mentally gulping before I slowly walk up stairs.

Walking to the closest room, I hesitantly open it quickly. I see nothing. I sigh as I close the door. I walk to the other closest room, doing the same, but also find nothing! I even checked in the bathroom, also finding nothing. It didn't look like anything was stolen, to my relief. I was about to go to my room, when a sudden crash came from downstairs, sending me jumping high in the air. My heart beat faster than a cheetah, it felt like I was having a heart attack. My body was shaking from fear. They're still here!! I think to myself as I take shaky steps to my staircase. I look down at it, knowing I wouldn't see anything in the dark. Stupid me.

Slowly, I descend down the stairs making sure I wouldn't make my stairs squeak to alert the intruder. Once I was down stairs, I felt around for a weapon, finding an umbrella. "Good enough" I say to myself, as I head to the corner of the living room. I peak from behind the wall, to see nothing broken. My heart's still beating, it won't calm down. I step my way to the edge of the kitchen and look around. I see my microwave broken on the floor. What the fuck?! That was my Landowner's microwave!! I mentally screamed in my head. Still shaking, I held up the umbrella, searched for the light switch, and turned the light on. A yellow figure swiftly slung around on their heels.

Why is she yellow? What the fuck!

The yellow stranger in front of me began to chuckle, soon turning into a fit on laughter. "An umbrella? Really?" she stretches an arm my way, plucking the umbrella out of my hands like nothing and slam it to the floor, breaking it. My mouth opens in shock. "Now that I broke your primitive Earth cooking machine and umbrella, there's only one thing left~" she purred before stretching an arm to me. Wrapping it multiple times around me and pulled me towards her. She inflated her free hand, ready to squish me like the fly I squished hours ago. I began to squirm a bit.

She grins at my fearful attempts to get free. "Bye bye, meat sack,"

"Wait, wait, stop!!!" I yell frantically. The yellow stranger's grin becomes wider.

"And why should I?" She taunted.

"W-who are you?!" I ask, fear obvious in my voice. She began to laugh behind her yellow gloved hand. It was a weird symbol, but that wasn't the problem at the moment.

"You can just call me Oops," she cackled, her expression became more irritated now. "Because it's clear I was just a mistake!" She added, through gritted teeth. She grinned again, brought her inflated fist back up in the air. "Now it's time to make you flesh bag jam!"

"Stop it! Get some help!" I say. 'Oops' gives a smirk.

"I don't need help. I think you and I both know I am perfectly capable of smashing a little brat like you~."

"I'm not the brat, you are!" I shout. 'Oops' gives a questioning look.

"Huh?" She procrastinated the smash-ening for a bit longer.

"Yeah, you're the little brat here, why don't you go back to the hole you came from!"

"I tried, but Satan doesn't accept returns~" she says with a grin. I couldn't help but snort.

"What the fuck-" I say.

"What the fuck indeed, flesh bubble. Wish I could go back, but oh well," Oops says with a shrug.

"Wait, wish you could go back? " I questioned. She gave a stunned look for a moment.

"You are asking TOO many questions for your own good," I stared at her, I was penetrating the steel wall she had put up. Maybe if I keep going....

"Did something bad happen to you in the hole?" I asked. She gave a half mortified, half angry expression.

"Stop. Doing. That!" she says through gritted teeth.

"Doing what? Caring about you? Unlike that someone?" I said, hoping that I was guessing correctly. She glared at me and looked like she would smash me there and then. But she didn't .

Why, I had no clue. "Did you do something wrong?" Oops began to chuckle darkly. "Did they do something bad......to.......you?.... "

I stopped when I saw her holding a spear in her yellow gloved hand. "Shut your fucking mouth and let me get this over with! "

"No!" I Yelled, wiggling out of her loose grip and bolting to my bathroom. I slammed the door closed, first locking it, then barricaded it. Grabbing my laundry hamper, these big ass boxes filled with whatever I put in them, and even scooted my dryer to the door.

"Stop hiding~" she purred on the other side of the door. "You're not going to live anyways, so you might as well die quickly rather than slowly getting your organs crushed by the weight of everything you're trying to block me with~"

A cold sweat went through my body, causing me to stay silent. "Why am I here? Don't worry. You'll be too dead to worry about that anymore~". I walk over to my bath tub, curling up in it out of fear. I prayed that the barricade would hold her off.

Silence passed for a brief moment.

"Have it your way then." she giggles. A big bang came from the door and a dent formed. I bit my tongue to not scream.

She banged on the door, again and again and again and again and weird as it may seem, the door stayed on its hinges.

But I knew it would break sooner or later.

I went back to my hand made barricade, holding the dryer to the door. I put the hamper on top of the dryer and the boxes all around them. I felt proud of my work,

It didn't last long when she made a box of light bulbs fall over. I did my best to avoid the glass, running back to the tub for safety.

This continued on for at least five more minutes, until she stopped. She scoffed "Fine, I don't even need you anyways." I waited a good long fifteen minutes or so before taking down the barricade and peeking outside my bent bathroom door.

Everything was clear, but my mind wondered. Who was 'Oops'? And why did she try to kill me?

Oh, well. At least it is over now. Right?

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