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No one's P.O.V

All of the Pastas were all staring at Alex like she was a ghost. She was really there.

"Alex? Are you-?" Eric was about to say until he was cut off. "Yes Eric I'm alive and well...."

Eric smiled a little then stopped (S.A.L.T.S) when he saw the bags. "Alex where are you going? Where is Jay going?"

"Blame everyone in the house.... Respect your parents Eric... We're leaving."

Alex gripped Jay tightly. Masky and Hoodie looked upset as well. "P-please don't take her away! I'll take care of her!"

Eric yelled. "I'm sorry Eric, but you can't, hey how about this" Alex showed Eric a necklace with a lock and inside had Jay's picture.

Eric cried. "IT WON'T BE THE SAME! IT'S EVERYONE'S FAULT!" Eric grabbed the necklace anyway and ran upstairs.

Hoodie looked at Alex and sighed. "I'm very sorry Alex..." "It's not your fault, now I'm lucky i have a genius because if she wasn't, I wouldn't be here or else she'd end up like me dead."

Alex looked at Masky. "Go try to calm Eric down, i'm greatful that you helped Mr. I dont care about my daughter, over there" she said pointing at the now trying to frown Jeff.

"HEY I HELPED JAY-" "You helped Jay feel bad about herself, asshole" Alex snapped.

Then she turned her head to everyone else. "History repeats right? If Jay ever got hurt by anyone of you, I would killed you all in your sleeps!"

"Im leaving with my daughter and that's FINAL!" Alex grabbed Jay's equipment, bags and of course Jay and disappeared....

Alex's P.O.V

I will not let my little girl stay in that house! I walked to Jeff's old house. Yes I know where it is.

I opened the door to find some else inside. "Hello there doll~" he said. "Hello... Liu"

To be continued...


























(YOO BITCHES! Holy shit Liu's in the fucking story?! Yes he is..... I know this was a bit short but meh....Now.... bybye!)

Let's Be Best Friends Sequel to Kill The Night (Discontinued!)Where stories live. Discover now