Titles are mainstream fuck it

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Jay's P.O.V

Today is the day I finally go home... To hell! I can't believe I have to go back to that place... I miss my baby...

As I was packing my clothes to go back to hell, grampy teleported inside.

"Jay, please, I understand you're mad at everyone, but please, give them a chance.." he said.

"HELL NO! They can suck a big bag of dick!" I yelled back. He only sighed.

"I'll wait for you outside.""No I know where to go, wait for me at the house..." then he left.

I put on my short red hair wig, because i hate my black burned hair. I know I can dye it, but i dont want to.

After finishing what i was doing, i started to walk to the house. A very long walk..

Wait I can just fly... I started to relax and float above the ground, and i slowly flew to the house.

~Time skip because fuck it~

I started to walk again because I was almost there until someone pinned me to a tree. Yay..

I just stared boredly at the person. "Get off me.." I punched the person in the face.

Then I ran.


I was gasping for air as I ran more. I was tired too. Luckily I was in front of the huge house, known as a mansion.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Then someone whose shirt was off opened the door.

I remember... My dad.. "Sup sexy~?" He winked at me. "Fuck off and, where is Slendy? He said he'd be here..." i said getting impatient.

I dont think he remembers me, or knows me for the fact. He only chuckled and touched my hips. "If you touch me again I swear on my brother grave, I will kill you..." Then i pushed past him, not caring about my surroundings or the people. I know everyone I shouldn't be shy.

Then I walked up stairs to grampys room and he was doing my work, then into a file marked Top Secret..

"People dont change sir.." i said sighing. "What do you mean?" "Knock on a door and let a cut smiled man touch you is gross.."

I shivered. I've been through worst. "Jeff is a dumbass, you know that.""Yes, yes i do, can you show me to my old room, its been years."

He nodded and walks me to my room and it was still the same. My bed was made up, it was a bit messy in the room itself.

Then i saw pictures. Eric kissing me and my dad and I making pancakes.

I smiled a bit. Then I heard arguing.

Let's Be Best Friends Sequel to Kill The Night (Discontinued!)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon