Let's Be Best Friends Sequel to Kill The Night (Continuing!)

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Hello~ This story will be on hold til I finish the other one. In this 'chapter' it will be the characters who will be in this sequel.


Jay Woods

Eric Sutton (le gasp)




Angel Alex

Nightmare.. (I'll tell you why she lives in my first story)

Sally (probably gonna die)

Jane (hooker with heels)

C.W (I hate her honk honk bitch)

Some Zalgo

Ages of new people

Jay: 2 - 13

Eric: 4 - 16

Nightmare: 21 - demon age 1,000

What New characters look like

Jay looks more like Alex but she has Jeff's brown hair and his blue eyes, she's stubborn and likes to keep secrets and things to herself, shy, cries a lot and Moody

Eric has green eyes and brown hair, he looks and acts like Masky and he has Hoodie's attitude, he likes to help and he's brave and hardheaded, social, at times he's quiet and serious

Well that's all for now, I promise, this story will be amaze. Why am I making it so early?

Well I will be lazy once I'm done with Kill The Night, so why the fuck not? Why do I curse alot?

Because I'm a female version of Karkart Vantas.... BYEBYEE!

Let's Be Best Friends Sequel to Kill The Night (Discontinued!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora