New Mom?

46 3 5

Jay's P.O.V

I'm in the kitchen eating a bag filled with fingers.... Human fingers. I like them a lot.

I went upstairs and I heard giggling in my daddy's room. The door was opened slightly, so I stuck my head into the crack a little bit.

I saw a lady on top of daddy, she had no clothes on at all. "Daddy?" I called out softly.

It seems like they stopped and got off the bed. I backed away and I saw daddy with his sheet around his waist.

"What is it Jay?" He asked as calm as possible. "Who is that lady? Mommy will be mad at you if she comes to your room tonight.."

He only rolledhis eyes. "Mommy isn't here anymore, and the lady is your soon to be new mommy!" he sounds happy.

I shook my head in shame. "Why would she be my new mommy, when she didn't give me life? I don't like her, shes ugly!" with that I ran to my room.

Eric's P.O.V

I'm really freaking bored right now.. I thought. Hmm.. I got up from my seat and went to my parents room.

I knocked on the door and my dad opened it. He only had on a his boxers and his mask was on.

"What is it sport?" He sounds tired. "Where's mom?""She went out, what do you need?"

"I'm bored." I said plainly. Dad sighed and told me to play with Jay. "Fiine" I left to Jay's room and opened her door.

"Jay?" I called out. "E-Eric?" She called out. She jumped off her bed and landed in my arms hugging me.

"What's wrong?""Daddy is getting me a new mommy, I don't like her!" She yelled while.

It may take at least 30 seconds for me tocalm her down. And guess what? It did.

"Eric.. Why do you like me?"  I looked at her funny. Why do I like her? "Your a nice person, your beautiful and innocent.."

"Do innocent people kill their mother's?" I just looked at her. "Do beautiful people have bad dads or mommy's? What makes you think i'm beautiful? Nothing... I'm ugly just like that lady.."

I just looked down. My hair was covering my eyes. She's wrong. I pinned Jay to the floor and she squirmed.

"Get off of me!" I looked at her with my hair still in my eyes. I leaned in and kissed her lips.

If dad can do this to mom when shes sad, so I can do it too, right? This felt good, too good.

Jay stopped squirming. I pulled away. I smiled, got up and left the room. I like Jay..









































(Here it is! My chapter of crap, but it was worth it right? Well byebyee! P.S:Art is not mine)

Let's Be Best Friends Sequel to Kill The Night (Discontinued!)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt