Chapter Two

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The view goes above the throne through a tree, lit with fire which is upside-down. There are creatures which are beyond explanation. They are filled with sadness and looked awful. The Ten general of Death was in each of their sectors.

As the View went higher, the rank of the Generals decreased. The last sector was empty with a weird opening.

As the view went higher the picture became straight and the 10 general of life are there, but here as you go higher the ranks increased. Each general was either indulged in training or reading expect one, who is on the lowest level, she was with some weird otherworldly creature. The View stops near Seven warriors who are near Quintessa's sleeping body surrounded with Butterflies and flowers.

The Seven, or as they are called The Rainbow or VIBGYOR were training too. They were some of the finest being in the whole galaxy. There was one from Pluto, Two from Earth, one from Mars and one from a far away planet called K-0810, one's location remains a mystery.

They had the powers of Different elements. There were four primary ones at first, which were Fire, Water, Thunder and Air, Then Quintessa made Earth and Sun after getting inspired by them and finally to complete the rainbow and the sequence with it, she created Forces.

Each had a Colour, Red was fire, Blue was water, Yellow was thunder, Violet was Air, Orange was the sun and finally Indigo was forces. Each had their own strengths and weakness and Violet was the leader. Violet was K- EE82EE1 and indigo was his sister K-EE82EE3. Red was a martian called Marofalk. He is huge and is the bravest among the bunch. Blue who was Angelina and Green who was Gary was from Earth. Orange, who was known as Tog, was from an unknown planet and is quite a mystery. No one knows anything about him, not even his name but he is most skilful among the Seven and finally Yellow, PJL-0811 who was from Pluto. He is the brains of this team.

They are talking about how Quintessa fell asleep and why and what does it simply. They used the magic of The Tree of life to communicate with each other. The Tree of life can quite possibly do anything, after Quintessa it is the most powerful entity but it remains shrouded in mystery. Besides Quintessa, only one another being knew about the Tree's full capability.

The VIBGYOR started Brainstorming possibilities and causes. PJL-0811 tells them about the conversation he had with Quintessa. Quintessa warned him about how important balance is and that something will try to overturn it.

Tog tells them, he finds something wrong with The Tree of life and went to examine it. The number of butterflies near Quintessa increased. The various animals from all elevens levels went crazy and the out of 10 generals, 8 come near the seven warriors.

They look baffled. They said something about a passage opening. Enne, one of the generals was found dead at the last level and Den, another general went down there, none returned

Tog returned and warned them to prepare for a battle. The Aether and Nether have finally connected. They all seemed confused and had no idea as to what the Nether was. Tog told them that they have to close the Passage, otherwise, the repercussions will be catastrophic.

Gary and Angelina wait back and guide Quintessa. The rest of them, among with the remaining Generals go to the portal. As they approached it, there was an army and they were just of pure evil and it was like something, they never saw before. They prepared to battle them.

As they charged into battle, more huge creatures, with huge Arsenal's came out of the Portal. They tried their best to fight them.

All the creatures of the Tree of life, even the five elder dragons woke up came and to aid them, but it wasn't enough. The army almost reached Quintessa and Angelina abandon Gary and joined the group, leaving Gary, all alone to protect Quintessa.

Tog was fighting three of the huge creatures and he killed two of them with all his might as he went to kill the third, he is suddenly taken through the portal mid-air.K- EE82EE3 goes to save him but he is taken through the portal too. It was the most unfair fight. It was less than a dozen verses millions.

K- EE82EE1 being the leader of the group looked and the situation and said to the group.

"K- EE82EE3 is gone so is Tog, the only option is white light "

"That's not possible, Tog and PJL-0811 aren't here and Gary is near Quintessa," said Marofalk

PJL-0811 smiles and shakes his head and then it comes to Marofalk mind that to can perform white light without all seven but those you take part perish.

Angelina goes and hugs PJL-0811 and K- EE82EE3 holds Marofalks hand and they yell something. The whole place goes white and the whole army gets disintegrated and the four vanish.

Gary covers his eyes as it was shining so bright. When the light finally stops shining. Gary looks around and all the animals surrounded him, looking down.

He runs to the lower level. The general nor any of his friends, no one was there anywhere. The portal was still open but there was a ball of white light shining at the opening.

He yells and smashed the ground and it caused an earthquake and one whole sector got destroyed and no one other than the animals remained.

The Dragons were laying dead on the second floor and as Gary went to hug his dead dragon. Quintessa comes from behind and touches him on his shoulder.

" Gary, we do not have long, Lord B*, my brother has finally found a way between both worlds. We need to find them"

" Your brother? Lord who? B? Them? Who them? What about Angelina and the rest?" Asked Gary

"Gary follow me to the top of the tree, you will get your answers"

The view follows them as they go on top of the tree and still proceeds further until it is upside down and goes higher till it reached the bottom of the tree.

" Lord B* we survived. we are sorry, we could not kill your sister. They..."

"They what, " asked lord B* chocking his general

"You all had an army and they were just Seventeen of them. You all failed me!"
He yelled killing two of his generals

"The Four of you go check the status of the portal and I need to know how did Rank Ten the lowest one of you all get the key to opening the passage and not any of you"

" Where is number ten?" He paused and says

" If it weren't were for these two, you all would be dead," he says looking at Tog and K-EE82EE3 unconscious...

The view zooms out to their faces and then shows Gary's face all tense and sad walking among side Quintessa to the top of the tree as Quintessa explained everything.

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