Part 8

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I could not move. I had been paralysed, that's what it felt like, chained against cold rock. Urgent whispers were coming from somewhere nearby, I could not exactly tell where nearby was though. Every sound, even the small kind, vibrated off the rock hard walls, echoing all around me. The gagged walls were fierce and sharp, every point angled out in a different deadly direction than the one before it, the chains that kept me from escaping bit into my flesh as I attempted to move my arms.

A woman's voice, cold and calculating, suddenly stirred in the air outside my prison, her wicked cackle grabbed my attention. I dare not make a break for freedom, I did not want to die, to be without... I couldn't think about them right now, but whatever I would do, if anyone else came to harm, I would try, I had to try.

I strove with all my might to get my head straight, I couldn't, my memories felt muddled, I felt weak and helpless, and exposed. I had powers, why didn't I use them? Why couldn't I use them? I chide myself, trying to find some energy.

I slumped against the wall in defeat, unaware of the slight changes happening around me as I slipped in and out of consciousness. The voices seemed unaware of these slight changes as much as I was.

Another woman's voice sounded, she seemed scared, maybe worried, as if she did not want to be doing something but was being forced to do it. I tried focusing more, to pick up any hint of what she was speaking. Her voice was soft and shaky, she had an accent, it was mixed, like she had travelled a lot in her past. I longed to travel, to go sightseeing and see the world around me. If I got out of here I would do that, travel for a bit, I promised myself.

There was so much more to be heard. A man was shouting now, a gruff, strong, terrifying voice, bouncing from the rocky walls. I could not see but I could certainly sense and hear and it seemed familiar to me. There was a thud to my right, and a shallow intake of breath. The woman had been thrown down next to me. She reached out for my hand, holding it carefully she whispered into my ear. I could not make out her face.

"How is Bennett? I know he was with you. He saved you- I tried... I'm sorry." She rasped, and could not get her words out quick enough, her speech faltered as she breathed the last words before Ruskin grabbed her by the throat, forcibly throwing her again. She hit the wall, her red hair whipped around her face before settling, splayed out around her like a halo.

Ruskin was strong, seeing him throw her around like a ragdoll broke whatever hold he had over me, I felt the strings snap almost instantly, but I was still weak. He grabbed me next, ripping the cuffs from my wrists, forcing a feral scream from deep within, the sounds coming from me were animalistic. He laughed as he withdrew a knife, plunging it into my arm.

The door flung open and a body came tumbling in breaking Ruskins gaze from me. It was Bennet. I kicked out, trying to disarm Ruskin of his knife, he kicked back, his foot coming into contact with my jaw, I saw stars.

When I finally came back round, I searched with heavy eyes for the woman, I needed to get to her. I found her, slumped across from me, I managed to crawl towards her, she looked worn and tired, a look of defeat on her shallow face.

"What's your name?" I asked, cradling her head in my hands.

"Enid." Her voice was hoarse, she was ready to give up. I looked up, Bennet was challenging Ruskin, who looked ferocious and ready to kill.

"We'll get you out of here Enid." I reassured her. As I stood to my feet I was almost knocked over by Bennett rushing towards myself and Enid, he stood between myself and an oncoming Ruskin. The evil woman had fled. 

"I won't let you hurt them anymore." Bennet shouted to a cackling Ruskin. He really did scare me.

I sucked in a breath as someone knocked over Ruskin, his body came barreling into the tight room, it was Bucky. I sighed in relief at the sight of him. Holding his vibranium arm up as Ruskin flailed his own arms in rage, Bucky ordered us to move.

"Get out, now, the others are behind me!"

"What about Enid?" I asked. He looked confused. I moved to her body as Bennet tried to bundle me out of the room. "No!" I screamed, but she was gone, I saw it on her lifeless face, I had failed her, I had told her I would get her out. Steve ran past as Bennet pulled me into the cavernous tunnel, he joined Bucky. I fought all the way, pushing and shoving against Bennet's grip on me.

"Let me go!"

"Anna stop fighting, I'm trying to help." He huffed as he dragged me outside, a noticed a body by the entrance way, the woman. The fight followed us, Bucky and Steve against Ruskin.

Wanda rushed to my side, she tried to calm me.

"Anna, we're here. Stop. Hush."

"He'll kill them." I replied, watching the flight unfold. How was Ruskin so strong? Wanda placed her fingers on my temple in a bid to calm me. I shook her off, shaking my head, she wouldn't force it on me.

"At least let me heel your arm." she huffed.

I looked down, I had forgotten about the wound, which now oozed, blood stains stuck to my shirt. I nodded, allowing Wanda some control, she quickly pulled my flesh together, knitting the skin with her magic. I winced at the strange sensation.

Everyone had come here to help me, but at what cost, I thought to myself, I needed to get to Bucky and Steve, although I was weak, they needed help.

Ruskin could see he was becoming outnumbered as Sam and Tony joined the fight. I stood with shaky knees, somewhere inside me I found the strength to run and free myself from Bennet's grip, I ran towards the group of men in front of me.

We all formed and stood crowded around Ruskin in a tight circle so he could not escape. He had hurt my family enough with his interference and had hurt Bennett even more. I would not let him win, to control, not anymore.

The full moon was shining over head now, darkness had formed quickly.

I worked to my strengths, what little I had. I blocked him out so he could not see me, no one could. I had to do this for myself. With a sharp blow I pushed my fist into Ruskins face, he stumbled slightly and laughed. I felt whisps wrap around me, Wanda's powers had found me in the darkness, she had created an invisible shield around me, always trying to keep me safe. Bucky looked around for me, for the tiny chink only he could see, he came up blank.

I leapt towards Ruskin again, throwing every move I had been taught, my every instinct at this rabid being. I ripped his flesh away with his own knife, it had been discarded on the ground, and made him howl.

The team watched on as I tore at him with invisible hands. Bucky could not take anymore, ever protective of me, growling fiercely and jumping into the fight. Everyone else soon joined, we would take Ruskin down together.

In my haste I did not see Bennet come to stand in front of me, I had been thrown to the ground in one swift motion, Ruskin had broken through my invisibility, I had used so much energy trying to keep up with everyone else in my weakened state, and I wasn't as fast as I'd once been. I whipped my head around at the sudden silence surrounding me, Bennet fell to the ground in slow motion, his head hitting the ground with a sickening thud. I lunged towards him, as a trickle of blood left the corner of his mouth. Bennet too had the last blow, one last act before leaving this earth, even if I didn't realise it yet. He lay on the grass as I leaned over him.

"You're safe now." He choked, lifting a hand to my cheek, it fell laying limply against his side as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. I screamed and shook, this man who I had no memory of had saved me. I felt a coldness overtake me before leaving through the tips of my fingers.

I felt strong arms wrap around me, holding me tight, I slumped into Bucky's chest as tears stained my cheeks. "I've got you." Bucky hushed.

Before me was Ruskin's dead lifeless body, he too was dead. Bennett had the last blow.

I wanted to burn the bodies, flames of all sorts of colour sparkled in every direction as the fire raged, and purple smoke fogged the night air, trailing off into the starry sky. We sat and watched in silence until all that was left was dust and ash. 

Bucky held me close to his side, even on the journey home. His presence comforted me. I felt safe. Loved.

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