Part 3

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I ran through the forest clearing, I was very fast, like a blur, the tree's parted, some almost splitting as I ran past them, branches and leaves broke and collapsed behind me as I made my escape through the forests surrounding the compound. The journey was thrilling, exhilarating. I could feel the wind push past my face, every inch tingled against the sensation of the cool blowing of the wind, I could hear it whistling through the trees, behind me. I could see every insect flying in the air. I could see every speck of dust, glistening in the small parting's of sun light shining through the trees. For the first time in a long time, I knew what freedom felt like.

It's like when Albert Camus said "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion." I was that right now, every part of being human was so unfree, with jobs and taxes and bills. Now I was free, I was rebelling to human kind, I was enhanced, and I accepted it. He also said 'Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better.' And I would be better, I would make sure of it. I would not be a monster, like the ones I had been told about, like HYDRA. I wanted to be lost out here forever, I wanted to always be free.

"Over here." Steve called. I ran back, towards his voice. He was followed by Bucky and Nat, both out of breath from running. Sam was standing by a shallow stream, the water was crystal blue, Nat walked to his side. He was excited for some reason, I could tell, maybe the big grin on his face, gave him away.

"Can I just stay here a while?" I ask. As Steve comes towards me. "I'm not going anywhere."

"Anna. What happened?" He asked. Bucky interrupted before I could tell him.

"She just, vanished. Like smoke into the air. She caught me watching her. I think that's what triggered it." His blue eyes searched mine, and I felt a ripple run through my body like I was going to go invisible again. What was it, that had him trigger me? I had learnt to control it around everyone else, bar him. He still impaled me with his stare, his eyes were soft as they took in every feature on my face. I watched as his adams apple bobbed when he swallowed, his nostrils flared. I thought I saw something behind his eyes, a flicker of something, but it was gone as quickly as it came. He moved his stare away from me, and focused on Steve.

I stood in silence as he confessed to his spying. His voice was soft, soothing.

"Okay." Steve said at last. "Bucky will stay with you." Bucky scoffed but did as his friend asked. It was the least he could do. He needed to make sure everything was alright, that I was alright. He shouldn't have spied. Should've behaved like a normal person and talked to me. Why did he not talk to me? Why was he always so... distant.

Sam still looked happy, his grin spread wider across his face, reaching his eyes. Something was up. They left Bucky and I alone. I could hear faint whispers as they walked away. They were talking about Bucky and I. A quick glance in his direction showed me all I needed to see, he was nervous.

I stood for a while, playing with a twig I had picked up from the ground. Bucky stood analysing me of course. He sighed to himself as he sat underneath a nearby tree. I walked to the stream noticing a deer on the other side of the bank. It stood silently eating the grass, unaware of my presence. Bucky watched from under the tree, as I silently fade in and out of focus. The deer suddenly bolted, I could hear him behind me, he would have been silent to any other person, but I heard his approach. Bucky came to stand beside me. Tentatively he placed his hands on my shoulders, I stopped vibrating at his touch. It's like he grounded me, I became solid once again. I felt uneasy under his stare and as soon as he removed his hands from me I felt light again, my body threatening to disappear. He held his hand out then, his flesh one, palm up. He looked from it to me, coaxing me to place my hand in his. I stood rooted to the spot as I moved my hand forward, placing it carefully on top if his. His hand was warm and soft. I could feel the vibration of anxiety leave me as our fingers pressed lightly together. He smiled then. I don't think after all these months, I have truly seen him smile. He smiles when he talks to Steve but those smiles were lies, I could see they were fake when he would look away. Sadness overtaking his perfect features. My features relaxed under his touch, I hadn't realised how tense I had become and a grin spread across Bucky's face as his eyes searched mine, they had grown dark. Tearing my eyes from his, I heard a familiar low buzz in the distance, knowing that Sam had deployed Red Wing to spy for him.

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