Part 1

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I don't remember what happened, the light just faded slowly from my eyes, along with all sense of life. All I felt was a sharp sensation running up my left arm, like I had been injected with bubbling acid. I felt empty, although something was there, something was inside of me, I could feel it building up, like an eruption, but the volcano had not exploded yet. The lava was still flowing wickedly, and silently. I couldn't see any light anymore, it was pitch black. I could make nothing out in the darkness that had me wrapped up so tightly, it would not let go, and so I let it take me.

Small delicate lights started to burst in front of my eyes, I thought I was slowly folding up into the deep dark black, but it had spat me back out. It was like I was looking up right into the face of a bright white star, it blinded me.

The burning inside me, it hurt so much, like a million hot pokers were stabbing at my insides. It swelled up deep within, like an explosion was taking place, inside my stomach, moving, coursing through my body, running through my veins burning and scalding, every inch of me it touched. I could feel my body shaking, it felt like there was an earthquake ripping through me. My body. My soul. Everything was black, I could see nothing, and hear nothing apart from the burning swishing inside, like an echo. Stars bursting in front of my eyes.

The pain was too much, I couldn't bear it, I felt like I was being ripped open from the inside. I still couldn't see or hear anything apart from the quickening beat of my heart...and that feeling, that horrid burning as if I was on fire, like red hot acid was pulsating through my veins. I could feel my body convulsing. I tried to keep my mind open, however much pain was searing through me, I had to concentrate, I would get through this antagonising ache somehow. I wanted to scream out so much, to let someone hear the pain I was going through. For someone to help. Although I knew no one could help. Not with excruciating pain like this. I was dying. I wanted it to end. When would it end...? Would I go to heaven, if it existed, or had I been bad enough in one life to be going somewhere worse... No, I was dying and I wanted it to end, for the pain to stop. I wanted to sleep, for everything to drift away, like a dream. I wanted to cry, I bit hard on my tongue, it didn't help the pain, but it helped focus my mind, I would not scream.

Someone help me, please, please...

"She's going to be okay she's coming round... better than we could have expected."

It was a man's voice, he was foreign. I realised I was starting to hear the sounds around me again, they were only faint, buzzing in the distance, but I could still hear his clear voice. Every octave whistling so clear.

He was talking to some others, from what I could hear it sounded as if there was seven or so of them, I couldn't quite tell if they where in the same vicinity or not, everything buzzed in and out of focus. With all other senses out of the window I was relying on my sense of hearing to try and understand where I was, and my hearing was amazing, it felt like radar or echolocation. Of course I have never witnessed radar myself, but I had read about it, and that's how it felt. There was so much energy. I was so dazed and confused. It had been so black and silent before, apart from the thrumming of acid and fire. What had happened to death, was I in heaven after all? I could barely remember anything, just a black haze cast over my vision of anything before now. What was happening and to me...?

They were standing around me. There was more than one person in the room, I could sense that now. I had that feeling of when you walk into a room and you think someone's watching you, but you can't see them. It felt like that now, there where people watching, it made me uneasy, not that I wasn't uneasy right now, just more uneasy, if that was possible. Ergh...

The burning blinded everything, I felt like a volcano ready to erupt. I hoped, after all, I was dead, it felt like it, maybe I was in hell or purgatory. I hadn't done anything wrong, well nothing majorly immoral when I was 'alive', if this is what I was... dead. I don't know what had driven me to think this, it just hurt so much, I must be being punished for something. Or maybe it was some kind of nightmare I was in, and it yet it seemed so real. I tried to push it aside. Did nightmares smell like this. I could smell the cold metal surrounding me, I could taste it. The air around me smelt sterile, but there was undertones of, what was it? Blood.

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