Smol and Tol | Evan Stafford

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More smol and tol headcanons! smol!reader and tol!evan.


• you love trying to tackle him
• key word: trying
• it doesn't always work
• Evan finds it endearing
• "ONE day. ONE day, i will finally tackle you and knock you over, Evan"
• he just likes to be able to hold you and/or carry you when you jump on him
• he's the kind of person to (lovingly) make fun of your height
• uses you as an armrest too
• you complain about it but you're secretly honored tbh
• giving each other height-related nicknames
• "hey, sweet pea, pass me the cereal and milk please?"
• "slow down, gigantor, my little legs can't keep up with your giraffe legs"
• Evan's hoodies are the most comfortable thing in the world
• they're big and soft, what can i say?
• Evan finds the sweater paws on you really cute
• he plays with the sweater paws when you spoon him
• the both of you don't mind being the big or little spoon, but in the words of jake peralta: "everyone likes to be the little spoon. it makes you feel safe!"
• when you're the big spoon, it's like cuddling a life-sized teddy bear
• Evan likes to fiddle with your sweater paws if you're wearing a hoodie
• when Evan's the big spoon, it's like being engulfed in a warm blanket of cuddles and kisses
• Evan doesn't seem the type to be cuddly but whoOO lemme tell you
• boi cannot keep his cuddles from you
• "babe it's 11, I gotta get ready for work soon"
• "just five more minutes. you're so warm and soft"
• you know how I mentioned he liked using you as an armrest?
• you do the same to him, except you use him as a ladder of sorts
• very handy when reaching for high up stuff
• he won't admit it but it's grown on him and he likes having the excuse to give you a spontaneous piggyback ride
• especially at the store
• you'll get a mix of weird looks and knowing smiles from other people you pass by
• 13/10 very sweet boi, don't break his heart

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