How to Say "I Love You" | Evan Stafford

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There's literally so few good quality pictures of Q-Tip on the internet and I find that disappointing.

Just little moments where Q-Tip and the reader say "I love you" to the other in different ways. The events aren't in any order. Evan might be a little ooc. Also, no regrets for slipping that reference in there. :)


Evan watched you lean back in your chair and frustratedly rubbed your eyes. He wondered how long it had been since you started working on something; he had gotten home to see you busy and left you alone to finish. But now you were up and Evan was concerned. (He also wanted cuddles.)

"You should get some sleep." his voice broke the silence.

"You're one to talk."

Evan shook his head, grinning as he reached an arm out. "Come on, you've been working at it all day. You can finish it tomorrow when you aren't half awake." When you didn't move, he added, "Besides, I can't sleep without your cuddles."

You closed your laptop with a sigh and crawled into bed, curling into Evan's warmth.

"Good night, (Y/N)."


Evan grunted as he fell into the supplies in the truck.

"Ah, fuck." he muttered, hurriedly tying his tourniquet around his leg. He tried not to think about how worried you would be when you patched him up later.

"Q-Tip!" Christeson called from above.

"Keep shooting! I'm fine!"

"No, you are not fine!" you scolded him later, as he limped up to you. He apologetically smiled in response.

"I'm still walking fine."

"Yes, good thing you tourniqueted yourself that fast." you chuckled. "Here, I got you. Come on. Let's get you fixed up."

He smiled as you pressed a kiss to his forehead and got to work cleaning his wound. He watched your face, his smile never leaving his face.

"You're staring."

"You're beautiful."

Your cheeks reddened as you finished up and tapped his leg. "All set."

"You really are beautiful."

"Oh, stop making me blush!" you laughed.

Evan pulled you closer and wrapped his arms around you, hugging you as best he could with flak jackets and gear on.



"Babe, have you seen where my hoodie went?" Evan called as he walked into the room. He stopped when he saw you in the closet, the hoodie in question covering you like a blanket with sleeves and a hood.

"Ah, that's where it went." he leaned against the wall with a soft smile.

"Oh, you mean this hoodie?" You moved to take it off but Evan shooed your hands away.

"No, no, it's fine, I can find another."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Besides, it looks good on you."

You buried your face in the sweater paws. "Nooo, I don't."

Evan pulled you in for a hug. "Of course you do. You're smaller than me so it's big on you and you just look so cute and adorable and perfect."

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