Cranky | Nate Fick

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There's not enough of The Pacific or Generation Kill works to go around, so I've written one for Gen Kill. Just a reminder, any pieces I write for HBO War are all written for the portrayals/with the portrayals in mind, not for the actual people, and I in no way intend to disrespect the real people that were a part of those experiences.

Gender neutral reader. Short drabble that didn't turn out the way I was planning. Probably some curse words. I'm publishing this now before I become a coward and edit the heck out of it until it becomes unrecognizable.


"So, ya know, there I was, standing in the middle of the aisle with a box of exploded cereal and a jug of milk spilled on the floor." Ray recounted with a goofy grin on his face.

It was one of those days where you could have time to kick back for the night, have a few hours to take a much-needed nap. Just a few hours without a vest constricting your movement.

"Jesus, Ray, you ever shut up?" you grumbled. "What do I have to do to get some sleep around here?"

"Aww, come on, (Y/N), these stories crack you up."

"Well, right now, I want you to shut up so I can get some sleep before we gotta move out. I haven't slept in 36 hours and you better have a fuckin' good excuse as to why I'm gonna rip your head off tomorrow."

Ray grinned innocently before continuing on. "So, I'm standing there, and naturally, I don't run."

Ray's voice drifted in and out as you tried blocking him out, only to no avail. You snorted and propped yourself up. No use trying to sleep now.

"You chatterboxes don't ever shut up. I wonder if y'all have batteries or something." you grumbled, stretching your back. "Where's Fick?"

"Ooh, someone's cranky." Ray snickered.

"Ooh, someone needs to shut up." you shot back. "Can't help it if I'm grumpy and need some hugs from my boyfriend."

"I think he's talking with the team leaders." Walt chimed in helpfully.

You dramatically bowed in thanks before walking off, shaking your head. "Damn Marines."

Nate was indeed talking to the team leaders, something you somewhat disregarded as you came up behind him and wrapped your arms around him as best as you could with Nate's gear in the way. He didn't falter as the team leaders hid smiles behind their hands.

"Get some rest, we'll be moving out in three hours. Dismissed." he finished.

When the men had dispersed, Nate sighed, resting his hands on yours. He wasn't mad, though; you could hear the smile in his sigh. You stood there in silence, relishing the few moments of quiet from Ray's never-ending chatter.

"You should get some sleep." Nate's voice broke the silence.

"Mmm." you sleepily agreed. "I needed some hugs first. And maybe a kiss, too."

"Well," Nate spun around in your arms. "I can do that."

You grinned at him, his lips meeting yours in a tender kiss.

"Now, go get some sleep. Can't have you falling all over the place later."

"Yes, sir." you yawned.

You pressed one last kiss to his cheek before making your way back to where Ray and the others were huddled. The silence that greeted you was glorious, and you quickly made yourself comfortable, hoping the silence would last long enough to let you sleep.

"(Y/N)! You're back!"

"Shut up, Ray!"

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