First Day of UA (cliche name I know)

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Sorry for being gone for so long, I was on vacation then I had some trouble getting into my account. But all is well now, also today I will be posting a one shot book. So requests open. Anyways Let's get this tape rolling.

Izuku POV

I woke up, and I was looking at a purple shirt. Wait what? I looked up and saw Hitoshi's face. It all came flooding back to me. Oh, my god. What do I do. Should I go and spare him the embarrassment? 

Wait, what if I wake him up. He's a fellow insomniac, so I want him to sleep. But when he wakes up he's gonna be really embarrassed. This was one of the best sleeps I've gotten in a while. I was pulled out of my thoughts by an alarm ringing.

Hitoshi started to stir. He looked confused, but then realized what was going on. He shot up straight, letting me out of the bear hug I was in. "Oh, my god kitten. What happened." He said, red in the face. I felt my own face become red. "Well, well you see you were asleep and started hugging me. And when I sat up, your grip tightened, so I just spent the night."

"Oh, my god Kitten. I'm so sorry." He said, shaking his head in embarrassment. "No, no it's fine. It's actually the best sleep I've gotten in a while." I said. He started scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah, me too." 

After that, there was an awkward silence. "You know, we could just do it again." He said. "Just for the sleep." He added on. "Yeah, sure Hitoshi. Just for the sleep." I stated.

"I should get ready for school then." I said, walking to the door. "Okay, bye then." Hitoshi said, with a slight wave. I closed the door to his dorm, and opened my door, that was next to his. I locked the door, and slid down to the floor.

I can't believe that just happened. I thought my crush was just because he was the only other person my age I ever talked to. But now I'm around other people, and it has gotten stronger. Kind of like everything is sprinkled with magic and glitter. And my heart is fluttering. This is just a crush, right?

Am I falling for him? "No, no no. Don't catch feels Izuku. Don't. Catch. Feels." I said out loud. Like that would somehow change the obvious truth lying before me. This is such a bad time to, I mean with the league. And the new school. Yeah just focus on school. Just focus on school.

Time Skip brought to you by Hitoshi's love for cats

I was standing outside, ready to make my introduction for my first day. "Please, welcome your new classmate." Mr. Aizawa said. I stepped inside, and walked to the middle of the classroom. "Hello, my name is Izuku Midoriya." I said, with a nervous smile. 

"Now, I have explained your past circumstances to your new classmates, but how about you say something about yourself." Aizawa said. "I like Katsudon."

Nice job Izuku, really smooth there. The one thing everyone here should know about me is, I like Katsudon. Not any shows or movies. Katsudon. Food, really Izuku. That's the one thing you could come up with. 

I walked to my seat, while continuing to mentally scold myself, for the most stupid action of my entire life. During class, I just stared out the window. I already knew this stuff anyway, Mamagiri is a really good teacher.

The thought made me sad, as I remembered all that happened in the past few days. My life has been flipped upside down. My family are villains, and are now in jail. I reunited with my childhood friend. And am now attending my dream school. 

I was dragged out of my thoughts by a ringing bell. I looked around at everyone, and started to hear bits and pieces of conversations. 'I bet he knew about the villains.' 'He's obviously lying to us.' 

Even though I knew none of these people, I couldn't help but feel sad. This was my life now. That was until Iida stood up. "My fellow classmate, I have met with Midoriya and I assure you he is a very good person." He said, waving his arms in a robotic motion.

The tension in the room didn't cease, but everyone went silent. Kacchan stood up. "I've know him for a long time, just give him a chance. And he will show you. He is one of the most caring people you will ever meet." Kirishima stood up. "Yeah Midoribro is the manliest!"

And that was all it took. Suddenly the ice was broken. And everyone was coming up to me asking me questions. 'What's your quirk' 'family' 'age' 'favorite color'. I covered my face with my hands, embarrassed from all the attention.

One of the girls squealed. I looked up to see a brown haired girl, squealing along with a green haired girl. "He's such a cinnamon roll." They both said in unison, holding hands. Umm, what am I now?

"C'mon guys, leave kitten alone." Hitoshi said walking up behind me. "Kitten?" They all questioned. "Oh, I-I meant Izuku." Hitoshi said, blushing slightly. "SHIP!" A girl with pink hair, and pink skin shouted. 

What's wrong with this class?

Autho Chan

Again, sorry for the late update. It's all good now, so updates back on. Also today I will be doing a one shot book. So please request something. Anyways it's time for me to roll out.

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