Unpacking Makes Me Tired

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So almost didn't write this chapter, because I'm tired. But I decided to. Anyways Let's get this tape rolling.

Izuku POV

After the questioning and reuniting with Kacchan, I went back to the bar and grabbed my stuff. Just some clothes, journals, bedding. That kind of stuff. Oh and this one Hamilton Poster. (I just joined this fandom)

Right now, I was in a car being driven to UA by EraserHead. Neither of us made much conversation, but it wasn't an awkward silence. I looked outside at the passing people, and houses.

The world seemed so big now, like I had been sheltered for so long. And now I have to face the bitter truth. I'm allowed to go visit the League in prison. So at least that's good. I hope I do well at UA. 

I have always trained in the bar's training room. But I have never actually went up against others. But at least my quirk gives me and advantage there. But if I have to be honest, I'm scared I'll be beaten to a pulp.

Sure, I'm fast and agile. But I'm not physically strong. So I hope I don't get crushed immediately. And everyone here has been at the top hero school for nearly a whole year. My doubts started to get the best of me.

But eventually when EraserHead announced we arrived, and I was pulled out of my thoughts as I looked out onto the massive building before. "Um, EraserHead will I share a room with anyone?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"No, you will simply move into one of the spare rooms, and please call me Mr. Aizawa." He said, shutting off the engine. "Okay," I said while stepping out of the car with my duffel bag. Kacchan, had went back to UA while I collected my stuff at the bar, so he was out here waiting for me.

"Hi, Kacchan!" I said walking towards him. "Hey, nerd." It was only then did I realize the familiar group of faces standing about ten feet away. Once they realized I noticed them, they shuffled forward. 

"Good afternoon, Izuku Midoriya." A tall blue haired teen said. It was only then I realized this was the group of students that were trying to rescue Kacchan. "Oh, you're the ones I met behind the wall." I said, looking over at them.

"Yes, the one with the blue hair is Iida, the one with the scar is Todoroki, the girl with black hair is Momo, and I'm Kirishima." A red haired teen said, with a toothy smile. "Yeah, yeah enough with the introductions." Kacchan, said annoyed.

"Aww, Kat don't be in such a bad mood." Kirishima said wrapping an arm around Kacchan's neck. "Kat?" I questioned. "Oh, yeah Shitty hair here is boyfriend here." Kacchan said, gesturing towards Kirishima.

"Kacchan, his hair isn't that different from yours." I said. Kirishima grinned wide. "See! He gets it." Kirishima said, excitedly. Kacchan looked away, obviously annoyed. "He's really a big softie." Kirishima, whispered giggling.

"Oh that reminds me I have to give you something. Kacchan, do you remember Mr. Snuggles?" I asked, looking in my duffel bag for the old toy. "No, no, no Deku it's fine you can keep it." He said, blushing and waving his arms.

"Umm, maybe Kirishima wants it?" I asked. "Mr. Snuggles is a stuffed bear Kacchan let me borrow, but I forgot to give it back to him. Do you want it." I asked, finally find the bear. "Yes!" The red haired teen said. I handed him a stuffed bear wearing a tuxedo. 

"Aww it's so cute. I can't believe Kat used to own this." Kirishima, said teasing Kacchan. "Yeah, yeah just keep that thing hidden, I have a reputation you know." Kacchan, said blushing madly.

I heard footsteps approaching, I looked up to see Hitoshi stepping out of the building. "Hitoshi!" I yelled, running up to him. "Kitten!" He yelled. I jumped into a hug. I was so glad I was able to meet him in person.

"Wait, how do you two know each other?" Kacchan, said approaching us. "Oh, me and Kitten met over the internet." Hitoshi said, ruffling my hair. Kirishima let out a whistle. "So kitten, do you need any help unpacking?" Hitoshi asked, turning to me.

"No, I think I'll be fine." I said, adjusting the strap on my duffel bag. "Okay then let's go inside." Kirishima, said clapping his hands together. We all nodded, and started walking into the building.

I got many wary glances from other students there, but Kacchan glared at all of them. So no one made any attempt to approach us. Eventually we got to elevator, and rode the elevator to the fifth floor. 

Kirishima and Kacchan left to talk to some other students, so it was just me and Hitoshi. Apparently we where the only ones on this floor, because they hadn't planned on us being in the class.

I walked into my dorm, and looked around the room. It wasn't bad, I put green blankets on my bed. I put all my journals on the book shelf, and hung up my poster. Once I was done I knocked on Hitoshi's door.

"Oh, hey Kitten. What's up." He said, motioning to walk into his purple goth bedroom. "Oh, I was just wondering if we could watch something since I finished packing." I said, hopefully. "Oh, yeah sure. Of course." 

We eventually decided to binge Friends, and eventually we ended in a very odd position. Hitoshi had his arms, wrapped around my waist, with his head in the crook of my neck. I could feel myself blushing, I knew he was asleep and therefore unconscious. He couldn't control his movements, but still.

I tried sitting up, but his grip just tightened around me, and eventually I gave up. It wasn't like I was gonna complain that I was cuddling with the guy I have a crush on.

Author Chan

Wow, this chapter turned out a lot longer than I expected. Also, I won't update for the next five days, because I'm going on vacation. But do not worry, for I shall return!

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