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Seokjin sighed after ending the call with Yoongi. He had another issue to settle with, and since the incident with the Oreo girl ended, Yoongi was now making himself busier than before. He even bought more medical kits when Taehyung and Jimin already had plenty of it. Maybe Yoongi was now opening an illegal business for treatments but he didn't care about it. Today, he was needed to take over Hoseok work in handling the cargo's that was damaged badly from a storm. A damaged at the port will alert the police so Yoongi had to settle it and Seokjin was left to handle his works.

Now, he was needed to take Yoongi place to check their client and the broker settlement, which annoyed Seokjin because some clients were so hot headed and demanding, even trying to sneak out like Chaerin .

But Chaerin, is another thing.

"Then stay low, the police are starting to dig out from the port. Don't expose yourself too much"

"I won't. You know how good I am at disguise"

Seokjin hummed a response and after making sure Yoongi follow his words, he ended the call and turned back to Chaerin who was half sitting at the bed, forehead creased because of the unbearable pain she is going through on her last stage of her pregnancy. He took a big step towards her and make himself comfortable beside her before pulling her to his arm. Her eyes were closed, breath was ragged and Seokjin felt guilty on not doing anything to lessen the pain.

For some reason, anger creep into his heart, how heartless Jaemin to even tried to kill her , according to her words and his research on her. She was thrown out by the house when her mother married another man after their divorce, and she was forced to live alone with some income her father had left her before he went away. From what he knew, her father was an banker, but they got divorce when he knew about her mother affair. From the court, her mother had won the courtesy on taking care of Chaerin and her other siblings, claiming that she had took good care of them then himself.

Chaerin never spoke once about her family with him, but she had tried to contact him using Minjoo phone when he was away, and of course it was no avail. Her father was still sending some money, but he was nowhere. Seokjin at first refuse to interfere, but then he found himself asking Namjoon to search for him.

"Kim Hyeongseok?"

"Yeah. I will send you his file, from the woman file-"

"And why him? Woman? Damn hyung! You are keeping something from us? "

"I will tell you guys, when things settle down. Keep it from the boys, they ,might freak out. "

After several weeks, when he was still in America, the dimple boy had sent him a file about her father whereabouts, and he was still in Korea, but then he was banned from the government to met his children, because the his ex wife accused him on neglecting the child and he lose the argument even after spending a big amount on having a lawyer. After knowing this, he had booked a flight a week early from the exact date and Taehyung was amazed at how he was desperate to go home, as if someone was waiting for him.



"I never told you this before, about my family"

As if she read his mine, Seokjin turned his head to her. The woman face was less tense now and her breathing was better than before, but her hands was still holding his tightly which Seokjin heart fluttered at the side. If it wasn't for the situation, he would have kiss her breathlessly which of course he had been holding for quite a time till now.

"My father, though how busy he is, the man never neglected us. We were happy with what we had, until one day a man came into mother life. Probably she was feeling lonely. or feeling neglected. or even lack of love, but she should never do it. Not when I was 17,when my siblings just entered their elementary. My mother, she was a woman who wanted to be shower with affection, and maybe the emptiness my father left for her when he was away, making her vulnerable to other affection. Like me"

Chaerin said, and how she remember hating herself when Jaemin sweet words lure her in, and her weak heart was fast to enough to be trapped by him. Maybe she was like her mother, too sad or too broken ,miserable and lonely to the point they were fast enough to fell in love. But after what happened, she had set a wall on not being weak again, which of course failed when Seokjin came to the frame. And again, she decided to trust a man again, but somehow she wasn't regretting on him entering her life.

"A divorce happened, I lived with my mother turned monster, my siblings were sent to the orphanage, and since I was only a year to become legal at that time, I was kicked out. It was hectic you see, and then I met Jaemin when I was working at a coffee shop"

"He was nice, and he gave me a place to stay. I thought it was love, I thought I finally found someone to save me, but at the end, it was façade. You know the rest. He got me pregnant, and when I knew how bad he was actually, how he killed and scam, prostitute and drugs, I was terrified. So I took every file record he have about his doings and ran away. That leads to an accident when I was running away "

"He found me, and I was supposed to be kill at the hospital, turns out the doctor who treated me was against it, and she help me. After the surgery, I paid it with his money which I stole and ran away. The doctor, from what I heard was getting the blame but I couldn't anything. Till today, the guilt remain there on how I had ruined someone's life along side me."

She shifted her head to him, and smiled weakly to him. For some reason, she hated how she might end up ruining his life, because knowing Jaemin, he will do anything, just anything for the damned file and if he ever know about the child, he might used it to blackmail Seokjin, and just like that she was ruining other people life again.

"You deserve someone else"


"Seokjin, I appreciate how caring you are right now, taking care of me and everything, protecting me to the point you insisted to marry me, but Jaemin will find a way. He wants me, and I could never bring you in this mess. So I thought-"

Before she could end, he stood up, eyes flaring and Chaerin was heart crashed seeing how the disappointment was evident in his eyes. A painful expression was written on his perfectly sculpted face, but she need to say it, because she hated how her miserable state was making others miserable too.

"I told you to trust me, Kim Chaerin"

"I am, but for how long should I hide Seokjin?"

"Then don't hide! I can find a way to put him down, to stop him from getting to you-"

"How about us? How long are you going to hide us?"

His pain face got dark, and his eyes turned into something that Chaerin never once saw it since she stayed here.

"If you think I was using you for all this time Chaerin, then I was wrong about us. I never want to hide you, in fact I want to show you to everyone. But it looks like you just see us like I was using you, and you are using me. I was stupid for the whole time"


"Minjoo will be following you to the hospital. I won't be there"

With his final words, he took his coat and car key, leaving Chaerin who looked at him helplessly. She quickly tried to followed him but then the pain came making her groan and Minjoo who was already standing at the door since Seokjin leaved rushed to her. She heard everything because she was about to inform them about Chaerin departure to the hospital, when she heard Seokjin dark voice talking to her.

"Miss Chaerin, we need to go now"

" But-but-"

Minjoo helped her to stand up and shook. Seokjin was mad, she knew and when it involved Chaerin , the woman she loved, doubted him, he was furious.

He is madly in love with her, and she was still reluctant to confirm his feelings towards her.

Refer to Oreo // m.y.g for Yoongi side story.

Saviour // k.s.jWhere stories live. Discover now