" Okay good. So see you guys later", Ian says and he walks to his car and we do the same. Kyle being the driver.

" Why would you see him later?" I ask closing the car door.

Robin and Kyle exchange looks since they are both sitting at the front.

" For studies". They both reply at the same time. I just ignore them and ready to get home.

After some time of driving, my phone vibrates once indicating a text. I look at the text it is from Emerson.

E: ' Hey stranger, what are you doing?'

T: ' On my way home from school, what's up?'

E: ' Can you come over before you go home?'

T: ' Yeah sure, is everything okay?'

E: ' Yes everything is fine, I Just want you to help me with something'

I look at my watch it is almost six in the evening.

T: ' Yeah sure, I will be there in five'

E: ' Okay good, thank you'.

" Hey guys, can we go to the packhouse first?"

" Why?" Robin asks.

" Emerson wants help with something".

" Yeah sure, no problem". Kyle says taking a turn to the packhouse direction.

Reaching the packhouse everything seems to be normal but there is a lack of people around. Where is everyone? I wonder as we get out of the car. Something is not right here.

" Where did everyone go?" Robin asks voicing my thoughts. None of us say anything as we approach the front door. Opening it is dark inside and very quiet, Before I could say anything lights are turned on and people come from everywhere. Making me scream like a girl.

" SURPRISE!" They all shout coming towards me. Looking behind me I see Kyle and Robin smiling and laughing. They knew, traitors. I can't believe I just forgot my birthday who does that? Especially when none of them wished me this morning.

" Happy birthday Love", Kyle and Robin wish me while kissing my both cheeks.

" I can't believe I forgot my birthday", I say with tears starting to form in my eyes. " I love you guys". I say hugging them tightly shedding my tears away.

" We love you too". They both say kissing my neck making me calm for a bit.

" Tyler!" I hear Peter's voice before I could fully detach myself from my mate he crashes into me. " Happy Birthday my handsome hunter".

" Thank you Pete", I say hugging him properly.

" Happy birthday Tyler", Steven and Stephen wish me.

" Happy birthday Ty", Emerson also wishes me.

" Thank you guys". I tell them. I wonder where is Maxine?

Everyone starts to wish me as they walk out of the packhouse using the back door and in a minute I hear music coming from outside, it looks like the party is outside now. Following everyone outside, the place is decorated and it is beautiful. There are food and drinks everywhere, when did they do this?

" Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you", Someone starts to sing getting everyone's attention including me looking at the person it is Dad and my uncles coming with the biggest cake ever, written eighteen with lots of candles.

" Happy birthday dear Tyler, Happy birthday to you". They finish singing and am in tears. I can't believe they are here and they did this for me.

" Make a wish Baby", Dad says happily and I am still in shock. Recovering I blow the candles wishing this love to never end.

" Dad", I run to him to give him the best hug I could offer. " When did you get here?"

"Around noon". He says as we part.

" Uncle Trevor", I hug him next.

" Happy birthday kiddo". He says patting my back.

" Come here", Uncle Max says bringing me into a group hug with Uncle Matt and Mark.

" Where are the rest?" I ask after we part.

" Well your Papa had to watch the girls, Dylan is busy with the kingdom and so are the rest of them but they wished you a happy birthday". Dad tells me as he gives me another hug. " Now go and enjoy your birthday".

I walk away from them though I don't want to. Looking for my mate.

" Birthday boy", Jared and Henry come towards me. " Happy birthday big guy".

" Thank you". I reply without stopping.

Few feet I see Jax and Mike going to the direction of where Dad and Uncles are. They both wish me and they continue to walk to where they were going. The party is in full swing, good thing it is Friday no school tomorrow otherwise it would have been terrible waking up early.

" Hey, Harrington", Bill calls as I pass by him. I don't need this. I just look at him without saying anything but I do have a frown. " Happy birthday".

Instead of a frown, it is replaced by a surprise. " Thank you?" I am not sure why he is talking to me nicely? or he is just pretending.

" Is everything okay?" Robin asks hugging me from behind.

" No, I was just leaving", Bill says and walks away.

" Are you enjoying it?" Robin asks.

" Yes, but I would like something better", I talk his hand looking for Kyle I see him talking to Jax without even asking him I drag both of them to the car. Good thing they don't protest or ask anything as they get inside the car.

Five minutes and we are home. Getting out of the car I lead them inside directly to my room since it is the one close.

" I need you to mark me and finish the mating bond. Make me yours".

The next thing I know is thrown to the bed.



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Till next time.

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