"It's okay."

She shakes her head. "By your reaction I know it wasn't okay. And I shouldn't have said it like that."

I nod. "I didn't mean to make it sound like I was the only one that had it rough at school, I just didn't know that they were saying things about you and you never told me."

"I know. I should've told you." Katya says. "I didn't want this to be a whole thing."

"Me either." I reply. "And I'm sorry if I made you sad or feel like I didn't care about you. You know you can always tell me right?"

"Yeah." She says.

I crack a slight smile and her face softens a bit, some of the stress melting away.

"Come here." She says opening her arms for me to crawl into.

I cuddle up to her and lay my head in her lap. "Thank god we aren't mad anymore." I mention and she agrees. Her fingers brush through my hair for a while and I hold her other hand in mine.

I half expect her to ask what I think about Prom again but she doesn't bring it up. I'll give her a real answer soon, but I can't tonight. I can't bring myself to say anything. When it gets to be about 6:00 she decides she should probably go and she hugs me tightly. "Thanks for coming over." I say.

"Yep." She replies. I kiss her on the forehead before she leaves my room and then I walk her to the front door.

The next school day Katya is still acting weird. She's not being mean or anything, not to me anyways, but she looks angry. When we talk at lunch she almost brushes me off. She keeps saying sorry. I keep telling her it's okay. I'm not sure why she's acting like this. Something is obviously wrong though. Something is weighing on her and I don't think it's just the stuff about Prom.

I do want to go with her, I think I'm going to tell her that I'll go with her. First she needs to get whatever this is out of her system. It doesn't feel right to tell her when she's in such a bad mood and I fear she'll just push all her feelings away again. I don't need her to tell me what's going on, I just need her to work through it enough to function at school.

Typically she's energetic, crazy happy, but the last few days she's uptight and doesn't want to do anything. She gets to English late, we're in the final days of working on the project with Ginger. Really all we have to do is organize who is doing what parts of the speech.

"So Katya what if you do this part." Ginger says.

"That's the longest block of text I can't memorize it." Katya replies. "Can't I do another one? I'll mess it up."

"Well I wanted this one because I think it fits me the best and Trixie has the other one because its the shortest. So you should have this one."

I roll my eyes. "I can take the longer one." I butt in trying to get her to shut up. "Katya can have my bit."

Ginger sighs. "Well it isn't going to be very good then but okay."

"Do you ever shut the hell up?" Katya snaps at her. Ginger looks taken aback. "You got your part let us switch ours."

"I am." She replies, crossing her arms.

They glare at each other and I switch the papers so we all have the right highlighted bits. "It'll be great guys." I say. Luckily for me the class gets let out early again and I don't have to sit there with them for much longer.

I stop at Katya's locker with her. "Are you alright?" I ask.

"Yes." She snaps at me. I give her side eye and she stops with the attitude. "I'm sorry I'm just so fucking stressed." Her voice breaks a bit but she gathers herself quickly.

"Do you need anything?"

She shakes her head and won't make eye contact. "Well tell me if you do okay? You know my phone is always on."

"Could you come over tonight?" She says quickly.

"Uh yeah when?"

"I don't know but sometime after dinner maybe  so I don't have to deal with my whole family."

I shrug. "Text me?"

"Sure." She says. "Thanks Trixie."

"Yep." I reply. "See you later Kats."

Katya smiles at the nickname. "See ya."

When I get to my house my grandma and I eat together for the first time in a while. Usually she's not here on Friday nights so I'm glad I'm home. We chat for a while, she asks me about Katya, how everything is going at school. I tell her a lot about Katya and lie that school is going great. I don't really want to tell her that school sucks. She's the kind of person who will march in and yell at everyone in the building and I don't want to be the kid with that grandma.

At about 8 I get a text from Katya.

Katya: you can come over whenever. If you want to spend the night you can.

Me: I'll bring my stuff then. Should I bring anything specific?

K: no lol

M: okay cool be over in like a half hour

I put some clothes and stuff in a bag, grab my medicine and a bottle of water and double check my grandma doesn't mind if I stay over. She doesn't care and tells me to take the car because my mom will be over tomorrow anyways.

It's nice to have the freedom of a car for once. I had one for a bit right when I turned 16. It broke down after a year it was so old and we don't have to money to get a new one. I'm excited to graduate so I can get a job because right now I can't get to one without a car. My mom told me her and my step dad are trying to get a used one for me. My mom tries, I appreciate that much.

As I get closer to Katya's I'm more nervous. I know she wants me there, and I want to be there for her but I'm bad at making people feel better and I'm afraid to tell her yes about prom.

My heart beats too fast all the way there.

Okay so next chapter is going to be a little depressing so prepare yourself. I mean it's probably not actually that terrible to read but it's hard to write rip. Also smut or no? I actually need an answer lol I feel like no but I guess I wouldn't mind adding some either 🤷🏻‍♀️

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