Chapter 1- Meeting Son Goku

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'-thoughts and writing words.

Izuka was just getting up from her slumber. In her room, it had blue paint on the walls, a bunch of posters of the Time Patrol and other things. She had trained to become one for years and she finally got that chance when she was 19. She had been a Time Patroller for 3 years. But her brother Mikchou, who had moved out when he was the age of 17, has been a Time Patroller longer. She does get jealous of her brother, but she does love him. Mikchu's room also has a black desk with a computer on in with several notebooks. On the computer, she wants to be up to date on what goes on in Conton City. With the notebooks, she writes down what she does on her missions with other Time Patrollers.  She really likes doing them, but she does get bored half of the time. Also, she has a blue scouter that she keeps on hand in case Trunks, her leader and the Supreme Kai of Time has some important news to share and also keep in contact with the others that she is with. But for now, she doesn't have a team yet, but she will eventually. She got up and started getting ready. She has a white V-neck t-shirt with a jacket similar to Trunks' when he used to wear it. It was given to her during her 2 year training in the time chamber. She also had black shorts, white socks and blue and orange sneakers. "Well, better get breakfast in me before I go." Mikchu said to herself. She walked out of her room to see a medium sized living room with a long red couch in the middle, two small purple chairs on the left and right of the room, a small kitchen. On the right side there is a gas stove with a build-in oven, next to it was a long granite counter with a black microwave, blender, a food processor, cabinets with plates and cups galore and a ice maker. On the left side of the kitchen, there is a big fridge with a lot of food in it, such as eggs, milk, and other necessities. she grabs the eggs, and the butter so that she can cook up some scrabbled eyes. It took about 2 mins to make and it was done in 1 min. The dining room had a good size table that can sit six people and it was a white wood table. Mikchu sat down to eat her meal. "man, I was my bro can come home. He is always on missions with his team and I am somewhat left out." She sometimes complained about Mikchou being away a lot and she can get lonely sometimes. After breakfast she got her scouter from her room and headed off to the Time Nest to see what is in store for her.

  When she got to the entrance, she was greeted by Trunks, The Supreme Kai of Time and someone else. The third person had black spiky hair that is gravity defined, a orange and blue gi, had slightly muscles, black eyes and blue and slightly red with gold tie boots. "Hey Izuka, glad your here." Trunks said happily. "we got good news for you." SKOT joyfully replied. "what is it." Mikchu asked. "Goku will be your teacher from now on." Mikchu was shocked. The man standing next to was 'The' Goku. The man that defeated Frieza and challenged the God of Destruction, Beerus and went into the Tournament of Power. 'Holy smokes, I am going to have Goku as my mentor. Sweet!' She thought. On the outside, she was really excited that she was going to train with Goku, but on the inside she is really shy and nervous to fight him. "hey, what's your name kiddo?" The man named Goku asked. "my name is Izuka, it is a pleasure to meet you sir." 'Oh please, call me Goku." "ok Goku." Trunks and the SKOT looked very happy about the choice they made. But they had a secrets that they are keeping from her and so was Goku. "well, we are going to leave you two to go train, Me and Trunks will keep an eye out if anything happens." SKOT said. So they said their goodbyes and headed to the Time Vault.

"So, where are we going to train Goku?" Izuka asked curiously. "Oh, I know a place. Grab my hand." Goku extended his hand for Mikchu to take and she took it. Goku put two fingers on his forehead and used Instant Transmission to teleport us to the Kami's lookout. When we got there, we were greeted with a tall green Namekian and a (A.N. Not to be racist.) a chubby black dude with a turban and white pants with a blue belt on. "Hey guys." Goku said. The Namekian and the other dude looked over their shoulder and also greeted us. "hey Goku, who is this you got here." "I am glad you asked Dende, this is Mikchu and she is my student." Goku replied. The Namekian named Dende replies. "Hello I am Dende, I am the guardian of Earth and the man next to me is Mr. Popo." Izuka replied shyly. "Hello, it a honor to meet you both." They both shock hands and then walked to the door that lead to the Time chamber. "this is the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, the difference is that a whole day out here is a whole year in there." Mikchu got very shocked at the info she had heard, but also she was really nervous of fighting him. Goku was way stronger then her. He had more experience than her. How can she keep up with him in there.

"Well, we better get started then." "ok Goku." So Mr.Popo opened the door for us and we thanked him for the kind gesture. He didn't say much but, he was encouraging me to try my beat and never give up. So we got into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and there was a room with two beds a kitchen and a table with 2 chairs on each side. Then the main room was all white with no end in sight. Izuka ran up to the middle of the room and looked in awe at what she said. "Holy cow! this was the room where you and your son Gohan trained in order for you to defeat Cell." she shouted very happily. "Yup and also Vegeta comes in here too. Good thing he didn't or else I wouldn't have anywhere else to train you." Izuka looked in utter shock at what she heard. Realizing that Vegeta also comes in the time chamber from time to time, made her more eager to try her best. "Hey Izuka, can I ask a question before we start.?" "sure, what's up?" Goku hesitated a little bit before asking, "Are you a Saiyan?" Izuka was caught off guard a little bit but she knew that Goku was a Saiyan so she replied "Yeah, I am a Saiyan, but I got my tail cut off when I was 10 years old." Goku then sprung up in joy knowing there are more Sayians besides him and Vegeta. "really?! That's amazing. So you can go Super Saiyan?" "yeah, I can." So, with a loud scream, she transforms into her Super Saiyan form with her hair slightly sticking up but not too much, having green eyes and a yellow aura.

Then all of a sudden Goku goes Super Saiyan. He wanted to test her to see if his train will help her. "Now, I want to do a little spar with you to see if you are at." Izuka nodded her head and charged at Goku at full speed. She started with a straight punch to the face but at the right moment, Goku blocked it and kicked her right in the stomach. "Gah!" She was sent flying a few feet away. She had to be careful and not get lost in the time chamber. Goku then flew to where Mikchu is. They went at it for a good 20 mins in there which in the real world 4 hours had past. Goku and Izuka were in in their Super Saiyan 2 and 3 respectively, They are both covered in bruises. "well, I can see where you are at with training." replied Goku. She was trying to catch her breath for a few seconds and then she went back to base form and so did Goku. "yeah, what do you think? Did I do good." "You did very well. I didn't except you to keep up with me so quickly." Izuka was very happy that she impressed someone like Goku. "Thank you. It was really fun training with you." she replied. So, they ended training for the day and headed straight home. Izuka came back to her simple home and walked in to her dining room. She sat down and layed her head on the table. Her bruises hurt a little but not too much. "Holy cow, I never expected Goku to be this powerful even going into Super Saiyan 3." She spoke out loud. She then, walked to her room and grabbed her notebook and started writing.

'Today, I got a big surprise from Trunks. I got to train with the one and only Goku. I felt so nervous around him. he is the person that took part in the Tournament of Power. I can't wait to train with him again. Also, I feel like I am developing a small crush on him. But, That's' wrong! He has a wife a two sons. I don't want to ruin his life if I was added to the picture. I hope that something bad doesn't happen or I will never forgive myself.' Izuka stopped writing, closed the notebook and put it someplace that nobody would find it. In her closet. After having supper and getting dressed in her PJs. She goes to her bed and falls asleep. Meanwhile with Trunks and the Supreme Kai of Time in the Time Nest. They were checking if anything was going to happen or if an enemy was going to attack. "well, everything seems normal here. What do you think Supreme Kai of Time?" Trunks asked. She replied "I don't know, but we can't let our guard down. We have to be on high alert at all costs." All of a sudden on the computer, there was a pinging sound coming from it. Then a transmission came from an unknown source. "I am coming for the girl." It said in a distorted voice. "oh no." The Supreme Kai of Time said worried. 

To Be Continued

A.N - This is my first OC story so I hope you like it and enjoy.

P.S I will try to update this as much as possible.  Sorry if the chapter is short.

2022 a.n I am sorry for this but I am going to edit somewhat of this book and also update the second one

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