Chapter 11

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(A.N Now that the last chapter is done. On to the next)

Goku and Mikchou watched in awe and in shock at the what they are seeing.  "well, why don't you try and stop me now" he said in a cocky tone. Goku and Mikchou got into a fighting stance. Goku going Super Saiyan Blue and Mikchou going Super Saiyan God. Then they flew up to where Goku Black was and flew up there as fast as they could. Goku threw the first punch straight to his face. Goku Black took the hit but did nothing. "What?!" Then Mikchou came from behind and kicked him in the neck, which also did nothing. "you mortals are so stupid." Goku Black replied. Then he punched Goku square in the face and kicked Mikchou in the stomach. Michou flew far and crashed into the shop district. Goku then kept fighting Goku Black for as long as he can.

 Meanwhile, back at the house, Izuka was doing some cleaning when she felt a strong ki flare up in the distance. "Something is going on and I am going to find out." She grabs her gear, puts it on and flies to their direction.

Back with Goku and Mikchou, they were getting their butts kicked but Goku Black's Super Saiyan Rose 2 form. "You mortals are no match for me. You are wasting your time." Goku was covered in bruses and Mikchou was covered in cuts. Then Goku feels and energy coming to their direction. 'no, she should not be coming here' he thought. Mikchou heard Goku's thoughts and asked him. "Who isn't suppose to come?" Goku replied back "Your sister, she is the reason why he wants her." Mikchou was shocked by the news and sure enough she came. "Don't worry guys, help is on the way." she happily shouted. SSR 2 Goku Black turned in her direction. "well, there is the mortal I am looking for." She looked at him in confusion. " "who are you?" She asked the attacker. "my name is Zamasu, but you can call me Goku Black and I am here to take you with me."  "what, no way I am going with you." she rebelled. "then you leave me no choice." His hand turned into a ki blade and rushed towards her. As soon as she was about to get stabbed, something blocked the attack. When she looked up, she saw that Goku had been impaled with the ki blade through the chest, missing the heart. "Goku!" She shouted. Goku looked at her with blood coming out of his mouth and then when Goku Black pulled the blade out, Goku faded to base form and fell to the ground, unconscious.

A.N sorry for the long delay and also with this note this is also an update. I have been emotionally abused by my mom and this is one of the best places for me to express myself and also I am still suffering the abuse everyday and I hope it gets better for me.


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