who is this kid? pt 2

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peter's pov

once i get back with the group (who are all still confused), the tour finally begins, jamie leading them into the elevator.

"alright, we're on our way to the labs first, then we'll go to the training room that the avengers will be training in later. the rules for the lab are simple; do not touch anything, as it could result in injury or derailment of months worth of research, or even a fine if something gets broken. got it?" jamie says and everyone nods, including my teacher. the elevator finally stops, and everyone is in awe as they step out, including myself since i've never been to the intern labs before, just mister stark's.

"this is so sick!" flash yells, causing me to wince a little from how loud it was.

"flash be quiet. you might distract them." i tell him. he walks over to me stunned that i actually said that.

"what are you gonna do about it, penis." he spits. i want to punch him so bad but i know that i can't. i cringe at his breath and don't reply. "that's what i fucking thought, man."

i glance over at our teacher, hoping to get some interference, but he's too busy talking to the tour guide to notice.


we're now on our way to the training room, and i walked there out of habit by shortcuts, jamie sighing and just following, knowing that i was going a right way, and also figuring that i wasn't going to follow them.

as soon as the team comes into sight, i almost run over to start training, but i obviously can't do that or i'd be giving myself away. i spot tony warming up and wave to him, and he waves back. natasha notices this as well.

"tony who is that?" she asks him. he shrugs.

"it's a tour group."

"no who's the kid?" she asks, eyeing me more than the rest of the group.

"he can hear you, you know." tony tells her. this automatically makes her suspicious, because for any normal person, hearing a conversation from this far away would be impossible.

"alright guys, this is a very special day for one of you! if you can answer this question correctly, you get to spar with any avenger of your choice!" i smirk a little. "for all of you spider-man fans out there," flash smirks a little. "how much weight can spider-man lift at once?"

"that's easy! 20,000 pounds!" flash responds quickly but i have to correct him...

"actually it's not certain how much he can lift, but it's at least 18,500 pounds." i remember that because that's how much i was lifting in the weight room last week. flash glares at me, and the teacher is looking at me skeptically, then glances at mister stark, who nods his head.

"a-alright, um, correct i guess. which avenger would you like to try to spar?" jamie asks me.

"miss widow please?" she nods and so does natasha, although she looks like she recognizes my voice from how i said 'miss widow'. we both step into the ring in the centre of the room, and i take her starting pose into account. knowing her moves as well as her weaknesses, i hook her leg behind the knee with my leg, and push all of my weight forward onto her shoulder, and she goes down right away.

"holy shit kid, i've only been taken down like that by..." she gives me a better look and i smile at her knowingly. "it's you isnt it? baby spider?" she whispers and i nod.

"hi mama spider, nice to meet you properly." i whisper back and help her up. tony saunters over to give me a high five and leans to whisper in natashas ear.

"i told you, he's adorable isn't he?"


i wont do a part three for this unless you guys want one lol

requests? i've got a lot of drafts for this book but you guys can still comment if you wanna see something specific.

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