who is this kid?

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summary: field trip to the tower but nobody knows he's spider-man.

peter was actually excited to hear that their class would be going to avengers tower for a field trip! obviously he's been there before, just not without his suit on. as soon as peter gets home he makes sure that may signs the permission slip, and he goes right on patrol.

"spider-man help me!" someone shouts from below him. he swings down from the rooftop he was on and sees a kid being mugged by four men.

"what the fu-" one of them gets out before spidey uppercuts them and starts fighting all of them. of course, they run away after they realize that they're no match for him.

"are you okay?" he turns to finally look at the victim, then realization hits, "flash..." peter mutters under his breath.

"i'm fine but y-you know who i am?" he smiles and his eyes widen a considerable amount. peter gulps.

"uh... i've heard about you around school?"

"oh my god spider-man goes to my school?!" peter shyly nods and starts backing away. telling flash to try not to mention it to anyone and swings back to his apartment, being that it's gotten really late.


"alright class, everyone on the bus let's go!" mr. harrison shouts at all of us. i nab a window seat near the front and ned sits beside me.

"how exciting is it that we're going to the avengers tower, peter!" ned says excitedly. peter smiles.

"actually yea really exciting!" peter says, bouncing in his seat. then he realizes something and puts his smart stark watch that tony gave him up to his mouth. "FRIDAY?"

"hello, peter."

"um hi, so i'm about to go into the tower, and you know how i have my badge for spider-man?" he whispers off toward the end of the question.


"well could you do me a solid and just announce me as peter parker and not as you-know-who? pleaseeee"

"of course peter, would you like me to tell boss that you're on the way?"

"no no, he still doesn't know who i am without my suit on, so i wanna tease him and the others a bit while i still have my anonymity." FRIDAY hums in response and peter goes back to looking out the window, trying not to listen to flash bragging about how he met spider-man.


"hello midtown! i'm jamie, your tour guide for today! first things first, everyone gets a badge, and do not lose them, because mr. stark doesn't reprint badges." she hands one out to everyone after she calls their names, except me and then asks if anyone didn't get one, so a few people look over at me, i quickly show them my badge, blocking the picture and name. everyone begins passing through the scanner.

"peter parker, level ten, welcome." FRIDAY announces, leaving me half relieved and half not relieved since now everyone knows i have the highest level.

"security!" jamie yells towards the guards by the door, because how could anyone that isn't an avenger have a level ten badge while everyone else in this group has a level one?? the security guards run over to peter and see what the problem is, then drag him along with his badge into a room with a table in the centre, having him sit down at the table.

"someone will be here to see you soon and sort this out." peter nods and waits patiently, and hears faint voices behind the one one way glass, despite them being soundproof. his senses also allow him to see through the mirror, though only a bit. he could see the security guard talking to tony.

"boss, the kid has spider-man's badge. we asked his classmates if they knew anything about this, and none of them did (ned and mj don't know that peter is spidey), but one of them did mention that he met spider-man the other day and that he allegedly attends their school." the security guard tells tony, and peter sees him nod and look at him, then raise an eyebrow when he notices that he and peter are holding eye contact. tony decides to test a theory and waves at peter through the glass, peter hesitates but waves back with a shy smile on his face.

"alright i'll speak to him." tony says and walks into the room peter is in a few moments later. "so... of all the ways i could've found out your identity..."

"yea... you caught me. i tried to be discreet i swear! i knew that FRIDAY would announce me as spidey when i went through the scanner so i even asked her beforehand if she could just announce me as me and she did so that was helpful i guess but i forgot that she also says the level and-"

"let me stop you right there. kid, you're definitely spider-man, i would recognize that rambling anywhere," tony smiles and holds a hand out to peter, who takes his hand and shakes it, "nice to formally meet you, kid."

"you too mister stark! oh but please don't tell the rest of the team just yet, i wanna tease them a bit for the rest of my field trip." peter grins and tony agrees.



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