sleepy petey

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summary: sleepy petey hasn't gotten a good enough nights sleep in nearly a week, only a couple hours at most per night, and now his senses are exaggerated.

"dude are you even awake?" ned nudges his best friend's arm. peter groans and doesn't attempt to lift his head off his desk to pay attention, he already knows this stuff anyway.

you see, peter has been spending a lot of time at the tower lately, he and tony constantly staying up quite late to work on projects. so between that and going on patrol and being at school and doing his homework, well let's just say that he hasn't been getting nearly enough sleep. peter's little nap ends abruptly when the school bell rings. he groans again and trudges toward his next class with ned by his side.

next thing he knows, his spidey sense is going haywire, obviously a little more than necessary but it's because he's less alert from the sleep deprivation. his eyes widen and he jumps out of the way of whatever was coming at him. it isn't until he hears a bunch of gasps from everyone in the hall including flash that was about to punch peter from behind, that peter realizes he's on the ceiling.

well shit

"well shit..." peter says as he hops back to the ground. everyone is still staring at him, so peter calls mister stark to his rescue, and they decide not to send peter back to school until all the 'false' rumours blow over.


it's short i know 😔


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