"No?" Esmerelda said, looking herself up and down before looking at her mother again. "No, I haven't"

"Oh..." Lucia said, confusion spread across her face before smiling again. "Well, I shan't be seeing you tonight. Business meeting"

"But, Mom, it's prom night. You always said you'd be there"

"We all make promises we can't keep. See you tomorrow, darling" Lucia patted her daughter on the arm before sauntering out the room and down the hallway.

The tailor tutted behind Esmerelda, causing her to look up and furrow her brows.

"What?" She asked confused.

"That women ought to keep her mouth shut" The tailor said, standing up behind Esmerelda, their eyes meeting in the mirror.

"You can't say things like that" Esmerelda replied, crossing her arms across her chest and raising one eyebrow, giving the tailor a pointed look. The tailor reached across to the table to grab a few more pins before shrinking back behind the teenager.

"What, and your mother can? Blood doesn't always make you family, sweetheart" Their voice was muffled by the heaps of fabric, but their words were clear enough to send a jolt of reassurance through Esmerelda.

Blood doesn't always make you family. Blood doesn't always make you family.

LEO LAY IN BED, scrolling through his camera at all the pictures he had took over his senior year. His black velvet suit was hung up on his wardrobe door, laughing in his face.

Why am I even going? Leo thought. Nobodies gonna notice that I'm there.

Throwing his camera down, Leo pulled himself up off the bed and threw himself down the stairs and into the kitchen, where his mother was cooking up some food for later.

"Hey, monkey" She said, shoving a wooden spoon in his face. "How's it taste?" Leo took the spoon out of her hand and slurped a little bit of the soup up. Disgusting.

"Great! Anyway, I've gotta ask you a question" He put the spoon back in the pot and walked over to the fridge to get a smoothie.

"No, you cannot have a new camera" His mom joked, pouring a little too much salt in the soup and glancing at her son, who forced out a chuckle and took a large swig of his drink.

"No, it's not that. How would you feel if I didn't go to prom?" Leo asked, already preparing himself for a long, long lecture about how 'that suit cost a lot of money and now you're not gonna wear it?'

His mother blinked once. Twice.

"You're not thinking of dropping out are you?" She said, venom laced through her words. "Because if you are, think again mister. What did I do to raise such a disappointment of a child?" She threw the spoon back in the pot and shoved past her son to go to the living room, the sound of the TV starting up just a few seconds later.

Fuck sake. Leo rolled his eyes and walked back up the stairs to his room. I'm not a disappointment, am I? I got straight A's. I have a clean record. I've never gotten a speeding ticket. I'm a good kid, right?

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