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"Zain! Get up," Harry says instantly, shaking Zain's shoulder.

"Leave me," Zain mutters, turning away.

"Zain," Harry insists. "I told them at the store we'd be there at 10. It's already 8:30, get up."

"That's ages away," Zain grunts.

"You need to shower and have breakfast and we'll take at least half an hour with traffic and everything," Harry insists, shaking Zain. "Get up."

Zain grabs him around the waist swiftly, pulling him into his arms and on top of him, kissing his hair. "Too early," he says, hugging Harry to him.

Harry melts into him straight away, pressing his face into Zain's neck. "You get up way earlier with Freddie," he says softly, kissing Zain's cheek. "Zain, come on."

"I don't have a choice then," Zain says, rubbing his hands over Harry's thighs appreciatively and squeezing his arse.

"You don't have a choice now either," Harry says, frowning down at him. "We have an appointment."

"Alright, babes," Zain sighs, leaning up to kiss Harry's lips. "I'm getting up."

"Thank you," Harry says primly, rolling off Zain. Zain watches him comb his hands through his hair and put in his little clip fondly before forcing himself to get up with an exaggerated groan.

Harry throws him an unimpressed look. "It's almost nine," he says.

"I got it," Zain answers, sighing. "Chill, babes, we'll make it on time."

He rushes through his shower mostly to appease Harry, humming to himself. His hair is almost long enough to put up again. He considers it while brushing his teeth, uncertain if he wants to let it grow or shave it off maybe. He could dye it again but then Freddie would throw a tantrum about not being allowed as well and he'd rather avoid that.

"I'm making breakfast," Harry says, poking his head into the bathroom.

"Kay, babe," Zain says around his toothbrush. "I'll be down in a bit."

Harry nods and vanishes. Zain sighs and rinses out his mouth, stepping back into the bedroom to get dressed. It's very nice having the choice of Harry's wardrobe. Harry might be slightly taller and broader but Zain's always favoured slightly oversized clothes so it works out very nicely. He grabs his own jeans and one of Harry's jumpers, considering the closet space for a moment. Harry had been eager yesterday and declared half of every drawer and of the closet Zain's but Zain isn't quite sure he will need all that space. He does appreciate the office though, even if it will probably end up covered in Freddie's toys before long.

"Zain!" Harry calls from downstairs.

Zain huffs, grabbing a pair of socks and his phone and making his way downstairs.

"I'm here," he announces and Harry flashes him a quick smile, sliding a bowl porridge across the table. "Why are you stressing, babe?"

"I don't like being late. Especially not when I called in a favour," Harry says, frowning down at his own bowl.

"We have plenty of time," Zain reassures him, taking a sip of his tea.

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