Metal 1: Iron Arms And Legs

Start from the beginning

DocM77: I'll head south and start looking

Tango Tek: I can go west.

Xisuma: I'll take East

Welsknight: I can take the north.

Doc takes a deep breath, before opening his elytra and taking off. He flys for about an hour and a half zigzagging and heading in a vaguely southern direction, before landing in a jungle and grabbing some cocoa beans to eat. His communicator buzzes with an alert from Wels, saying he found the industrial District. He gives the coordinates and a few moments later Xisuma teleports all of them to the base of the tower.

"Look around down here by his farms if he's not down here we go up," Xisuma instructs his tail flicking wildly.


After a few minutes of searching around the outside of the Storage tower, everyone meets back at the entrance and heads up. The room is dark and there is broken glass littering the floors. Wels exhales releasing a small puff of smoke, he pulls a torch out and lights it.

The room has been torn apart. There are bits of redstone littering the floor and parts of the ceiling seem to be missing some iron bars.

"What could have done this?" Xisuma whispers to himself as he takes a careful step backward.

Doc creeps further into the room and looks around, he spots Mumbo laying on the ground and walks over gasping, "I think I know."

Spreading his wings Wels steps closer, "What happened?"

"This can probably be explained by looking at him but, when you get affected by the meteor and it gives you new limbs it's able to use pre-existing bone and muscle. To give wings, tails, and change how the structures are put together. In Mumbo's case, he wasn't able to do that."

By this point, Tango and Xisuma have come forward and are looking at the unconscious Mumbo. His jacket was on a nearby table and he had the sleeves of his dress shirt rolled up to his elbows. His arms look strange almost like the skin was peeling from a bad sunburn but his skin isn't burnt. Most of the skin by his fingers had completely flaked away. The lack of skin doesn't reveal muscle or bone but cold metal and delicate wiring.

"Xisuma, can you teleport him down to the lake? We should try to wash the dead skin off without pulling it," Doc implores as he carefully pokes one of his fingers.

Xisuma looks like he's about to pass out but compiles and carefully teleports him next to the lake. Wels gathers Mumbo's things and follows after. Tango sweeps most of the glass into a pile and heads out. Doc takes a moment to let the others know that they found him and to prepare an area in the shopping district for him.

As they get there Xisuma is struggling to unbutton Mumbo's shirt and Wels is checking to see if the same has happened to his legs.

"Can anyone here do buttons?" Xisuma asks as he fails to get the button out of the hole.

"Not really," Wels answers.

Doc shakes his head no.

"Eh, Kinda it's a pain to do," Tango responds, flicking his claws out.

"I'm going to cut his shirt off," Xisuma decides, "We need to see how far the metal goes."

Wels lets out a low growl, "It's on his legs too"

Doc hisses, "Let me see his hand again?" He stares intently at the wires for a moment, "He's got waterproof wires."

Xisuma nods and finishes getting his shirt off, "It goes up to his shoulders."

Wels and Tango deal with his pants. It takes a half-hour to get most of the dead skin off but when it's done his arms and legs are mostly clean bright metal; save for a few stubborn bit's that wouldn't come off.

After thoroughly drying him off Xisuma teleports him to the shopping district. Leaving him with Beef and Bdubs for a moment as he teleports back and grabs the others.

They take him to a room in the town hall and set him in a bed. After Doc checks his arms and legs they set a redstone torch down.

When Mumbo wakes to find quite a few people staring directly at him he pulls his head back, "Did something happen?"

Tango falls face-first onto the floor, "You could say that."

"You're being affected, and I'm pretty sure it's turning you into a robot," Xisuma explains as he lifts up his arm to show him what happened. The iron glinting in the light.

Mumbo shutters at the sensation and his hands spasm slightly.

Doc holds out a stress ball, "Can you hold this?"

"Um sure," Mumbo replies, as Doc sets the ball in his palm. He's able to curl his hand gently around the ball for a moment before losing his grip and dropping it to the ground.

Seeing his frown Doc shoos everyone else out of the room, "You want to know something?"


"I didn't have that control over my cybernetics when I got my arm. It took me almost a week to be able to move my fingers at all."

Mumbo nods his head in understanding then grins up at Doc, "So I'm doing something right?"

Doc nods, "Grian and Iskall should be back tomorrow."

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