Chapter 20: Sick

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I woke up with a terrible stomach ache. It hurt so bad I couldn't even get out of bed. I was planning on going to Cory's house but felt too sick. Also, I didn't want to go because of the incident that happened  last night.

As I was watching TV, I get a message on my phone. It was Cory.

Hey bae, How are you?

Are you coming over today?(:

                                                                                                                                No, I can't go today I feel really                                                                                                                                   sick.

Ok, well I'll just come over.

See ya(:

A few minutes later, Cory came and brought some tea and soup. He is so sweet. We both went up stairs into my room and chatted for a little as he fed me some soup.

Cory: I saw you go home early last night, did something happen?

Y/n: umm...I-I..

Cory: Babe..What happened?

Y/n: I don't know if I should tell you because....I don't wanna ruin nothing.

Cory: Nothing is gonna get ruin. What happened?!?

Y/n: Dashie....

As soon as I was gonna tell him, His mother called him.

Cory: Babe, I have to go do something really important for my mom, so I will call as soon as I finish, ok?

Y/n: ..Ok

Cory: I love you baby.

He gave me a peck on the lips and proceed to walk out.

I felt relieved because I wasn't ready to tell him that one of his best friends made a pass at me.

But at the same time, I wanted to tell him.

I turned off the TV and layed in my bed thinking.....

How am I gonna tell Cory? 

Hello, I hope you enjoyed this Chapter. Its so weird writing again.

Glad to be back 🥰🥰

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