Chapter four - starting to understand

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(A/N) This episode will be all on Narancia's POV. Maybe I'll just do like this for all the next chapters, I don't know. Anyway enjoy this beautiful masterpiece of shit.

I like boys. I like him. I like my best friend. I like... I like Fugo. Why me? This is so dumb. Relations are dumb. But I am too so I guess that's fine falling for someone. I just hope he doesn't find out. I really wouldn't like it because it could ruin our friendship. I don't want that to happen. We've been friends for a long long time, since he saved me. It all can't just end because I took a liking to him. Fuck. Why is this happening to me?! I really would've preferred if I never liked him. Why...

"Narancia? Are you in here?" It was Bucciarati's voice. How long have I been in here for?

"Uhm- yes I am." I replied "You can come in if you want to...the door is open." Bucciarati came in, I was sitting on my bed.

"Are you okay?" He asked, while sitting on the bed as well. "I mean... you're acting different and it's not the heat or stuff like that. You can tell me."

"I'm fine, really." I said, not even trusting what I said myself.

"Are you sure? Maybe I can call Fugo so-"

I interrupted him "No! I mean... there's no need to."

"Okay... go wash your hands, dinner's ready." he said while leaving my room. Dinner? Did I stay I in my room THAT long? Anyway, I am going in the bathroom and wash my hands and face as well.

I went in the garden, really need some relax right now. Guess luck doesn't like me at all though.

"Why hello Narancia" it was the gang's gunner man, Mista. "Where have you been?"

I sighed. "In my room."

"With Fugo?"

"No. Alone..." I wish Fugo was with me. But I can't say that. Specially not to Mista.

"If ya say so." he answered, rolling his eyes. "Fugo was worried about you. Go talk to him."

Fugo... was worried about me. But he doesn't like me! I don't even know if he likes boys. I should stop overthinking. I really should.

"You there?" Mista interrupted my thoughts. I forgot he was still here..!

"Y-yea I was just thinking about something..." I took a deep breath. I have to calm down or everyone will found out I like Fugo. "Sorry. I'm going to look for Fugo." after a pause I asked "Do you know where he might be?"

"Probably his room, or the library. He is here sometimes too but, he's not here now, I think you can see that."

"Yes, uhm, thanks!" I said, while going to Fugo's room. His room... I wish I could sleep with him again.

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