Chapter three - dumb

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Narancia's POV
After the small talk with Mista I went in my room. Why am I feeling this way?! I think I'm going crazy. I am. Why is this happening to me? Why do I think this stuff about Fugo? I'm so dumb. Do I... like him..? He was the one who cared for me when nobody else did, he changed my life. For the better obviously. He saved me. Three years have passed but I'm still grateful for what he did. I'm so glad he saved me. Anyway, I'll just stay in my room thinking about Fugo until it's lunch time. Or maybe dinner time.

Fugo's POV
When I woke up this morning Narancia wasn't there. I went in the dining room to check if he was here but there were only Abbacchio and Bruno.

"Morning" I said while picking up some biscuits to eat.

"Oh good morning Fugo!" said Bruno holding two cups of tea, handing one to Abbacchio.

"Did you sleep well?" Abbacchio said looking at me with a weird look and wearing a smirk.

"Yes, thanks for asking. Why though?"

"Did you sleep with Narancia?"


"What? It's obvious they slept together. Not like I'm saying they-" Abbacchio tried to reply, but got interrupted by me.

"Yes. Narancia had a nightmare so he came to my room and slept with me. But don't get wrong ideas, Abbacchio." I said, cold-blooded.

"As you say."

Narancia's POV
I just got out of my room. I think I'm going out of my mind. Why did I even think about Fugo all this time? I guess that dumb people do that. Anyway, I should go downstairs, in the garden. Maybe some fresh air will help me. But when I went to the garden guess-who was there too. Fugo.

"Narancia! Where have you been? I've been looking for you." he said, turning towards me.

"You were?" I replied, my face heating up again.

"Yes of course! What do you even think of me? Do you think I don't care? Because I do."

I must look like a tomato now. "I didn't feel really good so I stayed in my room to rest."

"Are you feeling better now?" he asked, getting up and coming towards me.


"Are you sure? You're kind of red, might have a fever."

Oh. My. Gosh. Why am I feeling this way?! I'm so dumb, dumb, dumb! "N-n-no, I bet it's just t-the heat."

"Heat? With all this wind? Are you okay?"

"I... got to go! Sorry!!" I said before running away in my room again. Fuck. Do I... like him? No, what am I thinking. He's my best friend. And he's a boy. What if he doesn't like boys too? What? Too? I... I don't like boys. Do I?

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