I Don't Like Him

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Damians pov
As soon as I saw the new teammate I wasn't happy . Just great it's bad enough we have unserious  members like Garfield and Jamie, go ahead add another clown to the party.

If you asked me Connor is nothing but an goofy, gone bad experiment.
Truth be told he really is an experiment gone wrong  ,the guys a freaking clone for crying out loud, but of course no one really knows that except me and the league.

As everyone gathered our new teammate I decided to head to my room to do a little more research on this guy .

I sat near my working desk and began to research when I heard a knock on the door, I knew who it was instantly

"come in Raven ",

My door slowly opened and Raven stepped in side with a blank expression, I really didn't have time to waste so I wanted her to get along with it as fast as possible.

"what do you want Raven, I'm busy ", I scowled ignoring eye contact

"well I'm sorry ,if I'm bothering you, I'm sure you're very busy and I'm probably being a nuisance right now, so I'll just go ", she turned and was about to leave, there was a sign of hurt in her tone of voice which made me regret my cold action.

I got up, grabbed her hand pulling her close to me, I used my leg to shut the door.

I looked at Raven her head was resting on my chest and her cheeks turned a bright shade of pink.

I quickly let go of her realising how uncomfortable she must have been. "I'm sorry for what I said "

"no it's okay ",she said her cheeks going back to it's normal color

"so u... um, you said you wanted to tell me something "

"oh yeah ",she paused for a moment then continued "so how do you know Connor "

"why do you want to know ",I asked

"I was just wondering, because you looked as if you wanted to strangle him ",she sighed "I was thinking maybe he did something to you in the past "

I looked at her and raised one of my eyebrows "yes I am quite familiar with Connor and in a way he did do something wrong "

"what did he do ",she so curiously asked

"it's not important "

Raven grabbed me by the shoulder pushing me towards my bed, then she sat down next to me .

"oh yes it is and don't worry I've got time "

"raven this isn't necess....."before I could finish my sentence she sent me an evil glare and I immediately kept quiet.  I couldn't believe I was being shut up by Raven of all people .

"come on Damian, I know you, and I can tell when someone is lying , that and I can tell your frustrated right now so would you mind telling me what's wrong "

I looked away from her gaze. She gently placed her hand on my right cheek and slowly turned my face towards hers, staring straight into her eyes. I could feel her eyes piercings through my soul, my body started to shake a little, my chest started to hurt and I almost jolted up from my sitting position when she leaned closer whispering to my ear in a soft beautiful almost seductive voice

     "pl..ee..e..ase Damian"

I could feel my ear burning my face turning all shades of pink. I coughed shifting away from her a little "fine"

"great ",Raven smiled enjoying her victory

"remember that time I went to Gotham to help my dad with some private matters "

  "yes go on "

"well while I was there I met Connor ",I said his name in a slight angry tone   Raven must have noticed because then she asked
     "was he some sort of villain"
"quite the opposite actually ", I stated

"if he's a super hero, why do you hate him then "

"because he almost killed my father "

                      "how ",                                                                 I sighed ,knowing I'd have to say the full story now.

"when I went to help my father with the secret mission, I met Connor he was loud arrogant and irresponsible, he was a big gloat and a huge flirt. "

"and "Raven motioned for me to continue

"...and the justice league mostly super man decided to add Connor into this mission since his powers were useful, and was required for the mission, which he ended up screwing for everyone "

  "so is that why you ended up staying for extra two weeks "
"yes and it's also why my father ended up in the hospital ,for three days "

   "how come ",Raven asked
"he was shot in the chest by a bullet because Connor distracted him ", I said my voice getting higher and higher each second, I was already angry just thinking about it.

Ravens pov
I looked at Damian regretting the fact that I had asked, I  could tell he was silently fuming and in pain, it maid sense he didn't trust Connor the guy almost got  his dad killed, I looked at his jade green eyes, they looked sad.

"now are you satisfied ",he retorted
I ignored his tone and gave him a hug,  it took a while before he hugged me back "Damian I understand your pain, but it wasn't his fault ",
   "Raven can you hear yourself "
I patted him on the back "okay maybe it was his fault, but it was also an accident so why don't you just forget about it and..... "

" Raven I can't just forget about it my dad almost Died!! because of him".
He was getting tense I began to make small circles on his back using my fingers, which seemed to ease his muscles

"can you at least try, to get along with him pleease"
He looked at me and sighed "fine I'll try but I make no promises "
"thank you ",I pulled myself from the embrace and moved towards the door  "see you downstairs Damian" then I closed the door and left .

Damians pov
I watched as Raven left, my chest continued to ache, I slumped on my bed "what the hell is happening to me ".

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now