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Raven pov
It's been three days since me and Damians make out session in the training room as expected , none of us spoke about it, but luckily things have been less awkward between us. I think Kori and Dick might be suspecting something never the less Damian is a really good actor, he's been able to lock all forms of emotions from emitting in him. No surprise there .

Our two present leaders and blonder boy have been discussing the previous events that happened with,Brother Blood Red X  and Blackfire who is supposed to be dead. More vilian collaborations have been spotted : the brain and the intelligent monkey who's name I never seem to remember, madam ru'ge  and jinx,red x, brother blood, black fire etc something big is happening and why do I have a feeling my father has something to do with this.

Damian pov
Me, NightWing and Kori were going over a few files of all the most potential vilians we had in mind that we collected painstakingly over the years
Kori sighed,
"I don't get it, these villains have nothing in common but causing havoc in the city, no history of ever once collaborating besides brother blood and the HIVE, not to mention most of them do work alone and lets not forget the fact that they can't stand each other, they are to egotistic and competitive so why start now ", she baffled getting more frustrated by the second.

I had to marvel at her distinguished detailed observation, she really is starting to catch on not to mention being more strict for once, she makes a great leader though honestly speaking I would be much better than her any day but it's not like people actually acknowledge my hard work, intellect and ability, but instead  focus on my mean personality.

"your right but there most be something linking them together like some unknown source we don't know about ",said Night wing

"or a very powerful person that has access to both mechanical and magical elements ",I chimed in

"you could be right ",said Kori "someone with those possibilities  would be most likely superior that or......"she paused for a moment thinking, then she looked at Night Wing "do you think it's possible that these villains could be under some sort of mind control "

  "that could explain alot ",he turned to face me "what do you think Damian "

I answered immediately my mind still processing things as I went on "Kori could be right although I don't remember seeing any controlling device on them and that's not likely, considering how sharp my vision skills and my ability to observe the hidden are"

"we'll look into that aspect later let's try and get their motive first ", Dick turned back to the computer and typed something immediately a picture popped up on the screen. It was of the gun we were sent to retrieve three days ago,he pointed to it and asked "do we all know what this is "

       "yes", I said
"no", starfire quipped in" I'm not familiar with this form of technology but as you explained before it's solar powered, right ", she looked at Grayson for reassurance, he gave her a quick nod then focused back on the picture.

"this is actually called sofarin gun, it was once an ancient artifact but later discovered by a group of scientists working for the wrong crowd then modified to the deadly weapon it is today ", he explained

"not to mention one blast of that thing is so powerful it could kill three elephants with no problem and travel within an eighty miles radius ", I added "basically every villains dream gun "

"right,  obviously they want to use this to destroy something "
     "or someone", put in Kori
"we just have to find their target ",said Grayson. His eyes furrowed as he thought how were going to do that.

Just then I remembered something "what about the syrum"

"what syrum"

"one of brother bloods scientist mentioned something about it, apparently gotten from a zukini plant found in the middle of the Sahara desert ",  I paused trying to recollect anything else that happened "do you think it could be related to the sofarin gun in anyway ",

"possibly, besides the sun there is another thing that could charge it, I don't know what, but I do know it can only be used in the dark were there is no form of energy or light source "

"we need to consult a magic dweller for that  don't you think ", I said

"perhaps friend Raven would be of help ",suggested starfire

"she might ", Grayson "Damian you go get her me and star will go over black fires recanation if it's even save to call it that "

"sure "

I headed to Ravens room not bothering to knock I pushed open the door and saw a half meditating Raven floating midair "sorry  was I bothering you "

,"no not at all", she floated back. to earth, standing up to meet my height. It was no use  I was still taller with so many centimeters "can I help you "

"yes, NightWing and Korianda needs you "

She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow "what for "

"identification -we need you to identify an ancient artifact "I stated bluntly


I left her room immediately, she trailed after me her dark aura filling everywhere as she went.

We arrived at the file office (as kori calls it) with time to spare

"so what do you need me for "Raven asked
"could you help identify this object ", starfire handed her the gun.

Ravens pov
I took the gun feeling it in my palms it felt cold, unusual, casting an identification spell, the object was rapped around with dark magic till every part of it was fully engulfed in it, covered in the dark blanket till nothing of it was left to be seen.

Ten seconds later ..........

I put an end to the. I was done.

"so what did you find ",ask Dick

"nothing really I'm not really good at all this type of things but one things for sure it's definately magical ", I stated my observation although there was not much to say

"well that was a waste of time ", scuffed Damian

I glared at him, but focused on the real important people Kori and Dick, "I may not be able to get what you need but I know who can"


"zatana or constenance ", Damian shot up immediately hearing Constonance name

"you can't be serious there is no way were asking that blind mongol for help",he looked at Dick expecting him to take his side

"don't worry Damian we'll ask zatana", star reassured him "we'll go tomorrow as for now everyone go to bed"

Wishing them good night I went back to meditating I could feel my father trying to break free and I wasn't about to let that happen not again.

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora