Within My Heart

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A/N: This text is based upon the doujinshi of the same name (Mienai ashita to egao ni kimi e) by Hisuitei Tsubasa Izumi. This story was created for a written experience and uses pictures from the original work.

It never really came up in her mind that the lives she led every single day were at extreme risk. Given the circumstances of the world they live in, it wasn't too much of a worry. Circumstances change, and right now they face a very important battle. The shadows were that new circumstance, and it can easily wipe someone off their world without a hitch. Turning them into an NPC was significantly worse than being obliterated by Angel.

Tomorrow was going to be the moment where they decide their fate, and while other members of the SSS had the opportunities to move on, they didn't. Yuri Nakamura continued to face the internal conflicts and questions she pushed against herself. The leader of the battlefront continued to think heavily on the decisions that she plans to make tomorrow, and with hope to ensure their victory. However it comes time and time again if they were to destroy the shadows, would that be victory? Is obliteration the way to finally be released from this world, and not what they originally deduced before?

She didn't know, and it killed her. She had no other choice. They didn't have a choice. Not this time at least.

She took a deep breath, exhaled, and continued to type on her computer. The members of the SSS at large never really understood what the laptop was for, though making reasonable assumptions: battle plans, secret information, briefings, and the like. While that information is true, the computer served her for another purpose.

Her diary. The diary that she maintained on that computer was updated every single day and the information ranged from her own personal feelings to just being a checklist of what she needs to do. She understood why she maintains her diary, and with that, why it's locked up behind various security measures ranging from physical security keys to password protection. It's her personal life, even though it pales in comparison to her life before she died. Contrary to popular belief of the other battlefront members, she believed that her very existence is all one life, and holding that belief to her heart, this diary means just as much.

Yuri stopped typing and reviewed what she assumed to be her final log in her diary. Satisfied, she saved it and closed the text editor, revealing a folder that shows her previous logs in descending order by days. She then closed the folder, locking down the contents of her diary. Never to be seen again.

Other programs were still visible on the computer screen, and her analysis keeps her stuck in the principal's office until night. It was fine. She was waiting for someone anyways.


The sound of a clang through the school hallway resonates with a nice vibration. A short, red-haired figure bends forward, reaching inside the vending machine and grabbing the can that fell inside after it's purchase. Standing back up straight, Yuzuru Otonashi pops open the top of the can and takes a light sip. The branding on the can reveals it to be Key Coffee, and the tinge of coffee on his taste buds confirms it as such.

Walking through the hallways of the school, he sees the sun about to disappear through the glass panes. For the given recent events, it was amazing he was able to discover peace ever since the shadows attacked. He knows without a doubt they'll come at anytime, though dawn and night time seems to be the 'peaceful' period, at least from what he's observed. Leaning against the railing with the cold coffee in both his hands, he takes another light sip.


There isn't much for him to think about, which surprised him. It seems as if everything that would be worth thinking about was already resolved. He felt his own justification and have passed his demons, so he believed. He mostly accomplished what he wanted to do when he discovered the purpose of the world around him, and all that's left to do was to get rid of the shadow problem.

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