Chapter 2

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January 13, 1964

Hans Command Headquarter

Hans was watching on every monitor around the world as the Nazi have finally put up the fight against the enemies since BJ Blazkowicz was officially dead. But it was a lie. Blazkowicz was still alive, probably somewhere where he will be beaten up so many times whenever he wants. Then, someone came into the room as he said.

???: Sir, we have grave news.

Hans: And what is it now? I'm watching the battlefield around the world and I was being disturbed.

???: My apologies, sir. But we detected the signal of the portal.

Hans: Again? That machine must've been damaged because of him. It spawns everything and everyone in my world. Anyway, where was it located?

???: In Poland. It is unknown that other beings or any anomalies from other worlds have teleported to your world. If the Allies find out, they will go against your Reich.

Hans: We'll have to take some actions quickly. Send your battalion to find them. Whether you bring them alive or dead I want them to be found.

???: Roger, roger.

He turns around to leave the room before Hans says to him.

Hans: And Kalani...

A being named Kalani, a super tactical droid who serves The Confederence, now serves to the Third Reich only to be thanked by Hans for taking him in and becoming a rank of Gruppenführer/Major General.

A being named Kalani, a super tactical droid who serves The Confederence, now serves to the Third Reich only to be thanked by Hans for taking him in and becoming a rank of Gruppenführer/Major General

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He turns around at him.

Hans: Have you trouble in this world since we allow you to be part of the Reich?

Kalani: You take me in since the last year of my appearance to your world, sir. And for that, I'll decide to join you rather than going back home.

Hans: And your Separatists' leaders?

Kalani: They can go to hell as your people said.

Hans: You are taking a lesson about my world, Kalani. I'm so impressed by intelligent droids like you.

Kalani: I thank you for your generosity. Now I'll be on my way, Oberstgruppenführer.

He leaves the room to send out his battalion two headed to Poland. Hans continues watching on the screen of the battlefield around the world.


Unknown forest of Poland

Master Chief started to open his eyes as he heard Cortana calling to him.

Cortana: Chief, chief! Are you still alive?

He groans as he is waking up from his unconsciousness and stands on his feet.

Chief: Cortana, you still in one piece?

Cortana: Yep. But we're not the only ones here.

He looks around to see most of the people from other worlds have woken up as well from unconscious after being sucked into the portals. The first one is Capt. Price as he stretched his arms up and he just said.

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