I laugh and feel butterflies in my stomach as if I'm still that young, reckless girl with a death wish and an obession with my rockstar best friend.

"You have the next three weeks off?" Ronnie asks me.

"Yeah. Then another three on." I run a hand through my hair.

"Lets do some family things together. The zoo or some shit. Just you and I and Willow." He looks over at me with those brown eyes and I melt a bit.

Its been awhile since he's looked at me like that. 

"Sure. Tomorrow?" I ask as I stand up.

"Sounds good. Can I crash on the couch?" He asks following me inside. 

"Yeah, I guess." I shrug.

Things are peaceful as I head upstairs. I fall asleep pretty easily. When I wake up in the morning  smell pancakes. I head downstairs to find Ronnie still here. Willow is sitting at the counter with a massive stack of pancakes.

"You are still here?" I yawn and pour myself a cup of coffee.

"Yeah." Ronnie winks at me. 

I can't lie, seeing this bad ass rockstar in my kitching cooking me breakfast turns me on. Maybe because I have been too busy to find someone else, but I wish that I could just take himn in the bedroom with no ramifications. Allas, I forget all about that idea when my phone goes off. It is work, well, my manager. I have some radio promos to record tomorrow for our latest hit.

"Dad said we are going to the zoo." Willow pipes up.

"That's right, honey." I ruffle her hair. 

"Just us, no mean Shea." Willow smirks.

"Willow, you can't say bad thigns about people." I say, but smile behind my coffee mug. 

I can hear Ronnie's phone vibrating and he turns it off before handing me some breakfast.

"Here. To make up for the fact I dye her hair." he jokes. "Even if she does look bad ass."

I roll my eyes and sit down.

Two weeks fly by. Ronnie practically lives at my house these days. When i'm not working we do family activites. I think it is mostly because Shea is still living at Ronnie's place for the next few weeks until she finds a new place. 

Ronnie is sitting in the living room with headphones on with his eyes closed listening intently. I steal them off his head and sit next to him as I slip them on. 

He doesn't fight me just watches me. It is his vocals killing it on a song.

"What is this?" I ask as I bob my head along.

"Popular Monster. New song." Ronnie looks stressed. 

"It is great. Brings me back to your rage in Escape the Fate." 

"It is a mix of it all." He shrugs. "Kind of a song of what I did to you in a way." He chuckles. "Kind of admitting my faults in the past while being pissed at you for the past few years."

"It is going to be a hit." I laugh. "Looks like I am going to have a competition for the rock charts."

"No competition, babe." He gets all cocky. 

"Whatever you say." I get up to check on Willow.

He grabs my wrist and pulls me towards him.

I don't fight him. He kisses me before I can say anything. Its magnetic and intense. I don't even think of pulling back. It feels familiar and right.

You kissed my lips, I pulled your hair, it was the craziest thing... -- Situations by Escape the Fate

We aren't kids anymore. Back when we had Willow we didn't know what we were doing no more than when I was nineteen stripping and just started messing around with him. The fear of messing up Willow was fresh, but now I know that Ronnie isn't going away and neither am I. I know if I left Craig for Ronnie then he wouldn't have moved on from the anger towards Escape the Fate and I wouldn't have been able to pour everything into my music career and give it my all to make sure that I could have it all.

"Mommy?" Willow's voice pipes up.

We break the kiss and look at Willow who has woke up from her nap early.

Ronnie laughs and shakes his head. "Hey honey." He moves me to beside him. 

"Does this mean I get a little sister?" Willow asks.

Ronnie and I look at each other, dumbfounded.

"No, honey--" I start to find the words but Ronnie inturupts me.

"Maybe one day." Ronnie cuts me off.

"Cool." Willow walks back to her room to play with her toys.

"No more kids." I glare at Ronnie playfully.

"Whatever." Ronnie rolls his eyes and brings me back to him. I felt nineteen, completely head over heels for him. We fought for so long because we both wanted to be together. We just had to grow a little bit more before that happened.

I can just feel it now.

He's not going to hurt me.

He's not going to break my heart.

Not this time.


If you stuck around to finish this story, thank you! I had forgotten about this one. I had to reread it to finish off the last two chapters so I could send it off into my complete fan fics I wrote. I don't even know when I started this story. Maybe 2016? It is 2020 now, so four long years to finish it give or take. Its not my best work. 

If you are interested, I have a few other Ronnie Radke fan fictions that have around 30 or so parts and (I believe) are finished (that could be wrong). They have around 17K views on them, so I probably finished them.

Either way, I wrote the last two chapters while drinking Crown Royal Apple, so I hope you enjoyed it. And if you didn't, I'm sorry.

Thanks for reading!

My Man (Complete)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant