Chapter 15: First Date

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"This is my friend Joon, we haven't seen each other in a while and decided to go out for lunch." Namjoon bowed once more, pulling his lips together tightly and smiling stiffly.

"Pleasure to meet you sir, I've only heard of great things about you." He tilted his head innocently, and the boss seemed to like Namjoon, because he grinned widely, a more personal smile.

"Ay, I like you. You seem like a good lad." Namjoon laughed stiffly, pretending to agree, pretending to listen.

"You flatter me sir, truly." The group laughed once more before coming to a halt, Seokjin placing his hand on Namjoon's shoulder gently to tell him that they needed to leave.

"It was nice seeing you, but my friend and I need to go. I'll see you at the company?" The boss nodded and he left swiftly to his awaiting wife, Seokjin rolling his eyes.

"He's the Professor Slughorn of bosses, I swear." Namjoon grinned widely at the reference, not knowing that Seokjin read Harry Potter.

"You read Harry Potter!" Seokjin nodded, smiling at Namjoon flirtatiously.

"We'll talk about houses later, but first, we need to run. Dashi run run run." Namjoon nodded viciously, stealing glances at the other couple and when he made eye contact with them accidentally, he looked towards Seokjin wild-eyed.

"Run." Seokjin nodded.

"We'll count down." Seokjin's eyes spied the other couple, which were still looking at them.

"3, 2, 1!" The two sprinted out, slamming the door open and running onto the pavement, forcing birds to flutter away and parents to move their children.

Namjoon reached out for Seokjin's hand and he took it, his heart beating fast. He wasn't sure whether it was from the elated grin on Seokjin's face or the pace he was sprinting at, but either way, he could feel his heartbeat, and it was beyond thrilling.

The view around them seemed to be set into vintage mode, as if a photographer was making an edit to the aesthetic of the photo. Namjoon laughed loudly as Seokjin yelled, disturbing many of the people nearby.

"Fuck it, go into Starbucks!" Namjoon led them into Starbucks, slamming the door open and leaning against a table, feeling Seokjin's arm around his shoulders, the two panting for breath despite themselves. Seokjin grinned boyishly and whispered in Namjoon's ear, causing Namjoon's cheeks to go red when he felt hot breath on his ear.

"That was fun, don't you think?" Namjoon panted, he hadn't had that much exercise in years.

"Mm, I liked it when you held my hand and we interrupted so many people, I have never felt like so much of a badass." Seokjin laughed, nodding furiously.

"That was badass. God, we're both nerds, aren't we?" Namjoon agreed, gaining his composure and following Seokjin to the bar in which they ordered.

"My regular please." Namjoon gritted out, still tired, but composed enough to be polite.

"Of course, Namjoon-san, and you, sir?" Namjoon ordered for him quickly, knowing what he liked from Starbucks. It was the number one answer he needed to everything. Starbucks, a brilliant place, in Namjoon's opinion.

The two talked for a while about Harry Potter, the inaccuracies in the world and the mundaneness of Seokjin's other customers before finally realizing that their coffees had arrived, thanking the waitress quietly.

Jimin's friends snickered at Jimin, who tried to shush them incessantly but failed.

"Your parents are so flirty! And why Starbucks?" Jimin rolled his eyes and Hoseok chided them for being so judgemental, because they were there first, right? And Jimin didn't know his parents were going on a date, it wasn't his fault, right?

"I don't know! My parents are weird!" He complained, yet for some strange reason he didn't feel like he was lying. He didn't feel like he wasn't telling the truth, which was strange, considering that everything he just said was a lie.

Namjoon and Seokjin flirted shamelessly, they didn't care for the others around them who smiled at their hushed whispers as if it was any of their business. They were shamelessly affectionate, disgustingly so, and that was okay.

Namjoon felt beyond euphoric as he walked out of Starbucks with Seokjin, their first date may have been just running away and coffee, but to Namjoon, that didn't matter. Because he was so happy, the happiest he had been in a while. Seokjin led Namjoon to his car and pinned him against it, smiling innocently.

"Can I kiss you?" Seokjin asked gently, stroking Namjoon's cheek with one hand and pinning him to the vintage car with the other. Namjoon nodded and Seokjin leaned in, gently brushing his lips against Namjoon's before sealing them.

Namjoon could feel sparks in the air, he swore he could. He felt the fireworks and the bang. Kissing Seokjin was unlike anything other. With Jimin's mother, it had been drunken, rushed and desperate, but with Seokjin, it was different. Seokjin took his time with Namjoon, mapping his lips with his tongue and taking his time to explore. Namjoon moaned softly, wrapping his arms around Seokjin's neck.

Eventually, they parted, breathing heavily as they did so.

"That was amazing." Namjoon found himself saying, Seokjin nodding quietly in response. Namjoon let go of Seokjin and opened the car door, sitting down lethargically.

"We'll call, yeah?" Seokjin agreed, kissing Namjoon's cheek before waving goodbye.

"Bye Namjoon!"

"I'll see you soon Seokjin!"

Author's Note: I'm whipper for this chapter and so are you :)

Rental Boyfriend [NAMJIN]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن