Chapter 5: The First Day

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Seokjin laid in his bed, scrolling through his For You page on Tik Tok. He hated the app, he didn't know why he even had it, but it was addictive and it got him hooked. He wanted to get out of it, but he was too lazy to do so.

It had been over a month since he last saw Namjoon, and he was missing him like crazy. Every Tik Tok he had seen about loving someone you don't really know was driving him insane, because he could relate.

"Bonamana, Bonamana~" His ringtone loudly rang through his ears, Bonamana by Super Junior playing. Seokjin answered with a smile once he saw that it was Namjoon calling.

"Namjoon-san? Hello?" He could hear faint breathing on the other side of the line and what sounded like a slap to the face.

"Get yourself together Namjoon." Seokjin knew that Namjoon wasn't meaning for him to hear what he said, and Seokjin was saddened by the sudden prospect. 'Does he really need to be composed in front of me? Can't he be true to me?'

"Hey... it's Jimin's first day of school tomorrow and I need you there for the parent introduction, you're available, right?" Seokjin nodded, his heart beating out of his chest.

"I can't hear you when you nod, Seokjin-san. Please vocalise your agreement." Seokjin flushed, eyes wide and cheeks pink. 'He has a bedroom voice... and that's what it sounds like. If this man is going to be my client for the next 4 years, then I better bring Ventolin with me, for I fear that I may run out of breath.'

"Yes... sir..."

"Sir?" Seokjin's cheeks were now the poster boy for the colour red.

"Namjoon-san, I'm sorry, but can you blame me? You used your bedroom voice! That's cruel!" Namjoon laughed from the other side of the line.

"Seokjin-san! I'm supposed to be the bottom here, my god!" At first, Seokjin looked shocked, lips parted and eyes wide. He could hear Namjoon curse quietly to himself.

"Stop being so awkward Namjoon! He doesn't need to know how socially awkward you are!"

"He already knows." Seokjin could hear a surprised yelp from the other side.

"Seokjin-san! Heh... I have to go... to feed my cat! That's right, my cat!" Seokjin smiled fondly at his phone as he thought about Namjoon's awkwardness.

"You don't have a cat."

Namjoon hung up the phone and threw it to the other side of the room. He could hear Seokjin's laugh in his head, haunting his thoughts. He could feel his lips curving into a soft smile. 'Namjoon, no! You should know your limits!'

Namjoon looked through his cupboard for a suit, panicking when he didn't find one that fit him properly.

"Where is the suit I wore last week dammit?" He shouted.

"You tore it, remember Dad?" Namjoon sighed, 'Got to love Jimin at times like these.'

"That was useful, thanks Jiminie."

"You're welcome!" He groaned and slammed his head against the wall, screaming piercingly. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw something black and white, a suit!

"A FUCKING SUIT! HOW COULD I NOT HAVE SPOTTED IT!" He quickly pulled it on, rushing to the bathroom and checking his reflection in the mirror. His hair was already done, the only difference being that it was neater in presentation. After all, Seokjin preferred Namjoon's natural hair. Namjoon smiled, satisfied.

"Jiminie! Time to go!" Namjoon walked to Jimin's room and gestured to Jimin to follow him, which Jimin did gladly.

"I'm coming Dad!" The two walked to the car and entered, waiting.

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