Chapter 1: Family Love Corp

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Namjoon sighed as he scrolled through countless articles and many pages of useless shit he didn't need. He was researching ways to make it seem as if Jimin had a second parent so he could be accepted into the school.

He was so damn tired. His tired eyes slowly danced towards the bottom right corner of the screen, '4:02AM' glowing in his vision. Namjoon groaned, slamming his empty cup of coffee onto the table in front of him. 'How hard is it to get a random guy to date you anyways?'

When Namjoon reached the 18th page of Google results, he finally found something that looked promising, however it was seemingly not relevant to the search of a fake parent.

"Family Love Corp? Is this a company for incest or some shit? Let's take a look." Namjoon clicked the page and it loaded slowly, the obnoxious blue circle circling on repeat.

"Bloody load already!" After 30 seconds, which Namjoon suspected might've been out of pure irritation, the page finally loaded.

"Rent a family member, boyfriend/girlfriend or a husband/wife today! Wait, what the fuck?" Namjoon grabbed his laptop and raised it in the air, shaking it gently.

"Tell me that I'm not delusional, you can RENT people?" Namjoon went on to read the description of the site, eyes widening more and more as he read further on.

"So, let's apply." Namjoon clicked on apply and was presented with an excessively long form.

[Welcome to Family Love Corp, the number 1 company for renting people!

If you want to reread our rules, please visit this page.

We will be asking multiple questions, and then match you to the perfect person according to our standards and according to your needs. Our prices are here, and our terms and conditions are here.]

1. [What role do you need to be played?
A parent, a partner (boyfriend/girlfriend), a fiancé, a child or a sibling?

Namjoon moved his mouse to the textbox and typed.

[Partner and parent]

2. How many people do you need?


3. Next, what gender do you need?
Male, female, gender nonconforming or n/a (any).

Namjoon grimaced. 'I'm not going to go heterosexual just for some posh private school. I'm definitely going to discuss with said person the terms and conditions of this shit.'


4. Do you have any specific age in mind?


5. How often will you need this person?

"What do I say?" Namjoon asked himself. "For Jimin's entire schooling? Wouldn't hurt. I suppose that I can just stop paying when I don't need him anymore."

[4 years, consistently]

6. Give us a background on why you need to come to Family Love Corp.

[My son wants to get into The Japanese Academy of Dance and he needs two parents in order to get in. Said person will be required to go to multiple school events throughout the years.]

7. Do you have an ideal type physically to fulfil?

'What's my type?' Namjoon asked himself. 'I haven't dated since Jimin's mother... so I really wouldn't know. Maybe I could just say N/A and wait for a personality type instead?'

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