Chapter 6: Denial

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It was 11am at night, Namjoon sat in bed, laptop open. His eyes slowly turned to Jimin and he smiled concernedly, patting the space beside him. Namjoon smiled warmly, gesturing for Jimin to come to him. 'Jimin is usually getting ready for bed by now, what's going on? I'm trying to edit this article and it's due tomorrow, I really need it done, I seriously can't risk being interrupted right now... but this is my kid. My kid's more important than some news article.'

"Are you alright?" Jimin sat next to Namjoon, relaxing into the warm atmosphere of said room. Jimin briefly looked to the door then to Namjoon. 'I need to know about him and Seokjin-san, I want to know!'

"I want to ask you something Dad." Namjoon nodded, turning off his laptop and turning to Jimin.

"You can ask me anything, I'm always here." Jimin smirked, raising his eyebrows.

"So... I can ask about your feelings for Seokjin-san?" Namjoon had a coughing fit, glaring at Jimin afterwards. Jimin tried and mostly failed to stifle a laugh, Namjoon glared at him once more.

"There are no feelings for Seokjin-san! We are friends, nothing more." His tone sounded a little too stressed, a little too scared, a little too paranoid of what was to come.

"So, you're friends now?" Jimin asked, an underlying tone of curiosity in his voice. Namjoon groaned, fisting the sheets below him in aggravation.

"No! We're not friends!" Jimin raised his eyebrows, confused at Namjoon's ever-changing mind. 'How long is he going to deny it for? He very obviously has feelings for Seokjin-san. I have to do a little more digging into things.'

"Dad, pick one." Namjoon sighed. 'How do I lie to Jimin? He's my son! I can't just lie to him... or can I? Could I really lie to him? I don't want this to hurt him...'

"We're acquaintances, nothing more Jimin. Please go to bed." Jimin got off the bed and waved gently, his already quiet footsteps fading away.

"Goodnight Dad." The door shut after him delicately, Jimin wasn't angry, hence the door wasn't closed roughly. Jimin was more worried than anything else really.

Namjoon slammed his head against the wall, groaning both from his emotional turmoil and physical pain. He placed his hands through his hair and tugged, confusion and frustration seeping from within.

"What are my feelings for Seokjin-san?" He questioned himself. He sifted through his memories and looked up to the white ceiling as he did so.


"So, let's create the backstory for this." Namjoon started. Seokjin merely nodded and smiled, which infuriated Namjoon to no end. 'Why is he so fucking adorable when he does that? I know that I asked for a cute guy repeatedly but he's better looking than cute! He's a fucking god!'

"Alright, how long have we been dating for?" Seokjin asked, starting the conversation. He stared intently at Namjoon, who was thinking.

"A year and 6 months." Namjoon fiddled with a button on the bottom of his shirt to avoid staring at Seokjin. Seokjin smiled gently and lifted Namjoon's chin to face him. Namjoon's eyes widened and his cheeks went red like a strawberry.

"Do you think that we should do the 'soon to get married trope' or 'we're taking it slow' trope?" Seokjin's fingers still rested under Namjoon's chin, forcing Namjoon to look into his eyes.

"Umm, we'll do the 'we've been dating for a while but because of our families we're not married yet and we agreed that Seokjin wouldn't have custody of Jimin until we're married so we know this relationship will work out' trope. To make it more realistic because you're not on any of the documents for Jimin." Namjoon's voice wavered as he spoke, trying to remain calm. 'He still has his fingers underneath my chin, he's still looking at me like that. Why do I feel this way? I'm not sure what it is...'

"Great, what will Jimin call me? Dad? Appa, since we're all Korean? Father? Or..." Seokjin leaned closer to Namjoon, his lips almost touching his ear.

"Daddy." His words were an erotic whisper, a hiss of lust. Namjoon's cheeks flamed and tips of his ears did too. He awkwardly shoved Seokjin away and he stood up, rubbing his face with his hands. He then ran a hand through his already messy hair and touched the back of his neck.


Namjoon ran a hand through this hair and sunk further down the bed, Seokjin's voice running through his head.

"I'm not supposed to feel anything for him! I'm not supposed to feel as if there's something missing in my family. Jimin and I were just fine before without Seokjin-san, why do I need him all the sudden?" Namjoon's words were one of the darkest whispers, but they weren't the only whispers.

"Ayaka-san." Seokjin was on the phone, sitting on his luxurious bed and leaning against the back.

"Seokjin-san." Ayaka responded, her soothing voice relaxing Seokjin.

"I had to take Jimin and Namjoon to school, right?" Seokjin's voice was elated, and he sounded as if he was high on Cloud 9.


"And they both were great! Jimin's first day was a success! Namjoon-san and I got stared at a bit and the other parents were glaring, but Namjoon-san glared at them back, so, it was all good! We held hands Ayaka-san! And we cuddled! God, I am so whipped for this man, how am I going to survive the next four years?" Seokjin frowned when he heard Ayaka chuckling softly.

"You are extremely whipped for that young man. May I get some whipped cream with that order?" Seokjin glared at his phone.

"I'm serious Ayaka-san, what do I do?" Ayaka smiled softly.

"I don't think you need to do anything, just be yourself. But remember, only start dating him after your contract expires with the company."

"What kind of bullshit is that?" Ayaka sighed and hung up on him.

"Rude!" Seokjin exclaimed. He stood up and walked to his window, looking at the sunset and the colours in the sky intertwining with one another. He could see the moon, from a distance, which was faint in its rise to the sky, but it was still there.

"Namjoon's my moonchild."

Author's Note: Sorry >_<

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