Arc 1. Chapter 6-1

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The moment I saw Mathias placing the last onion, it was automatic. As if the very air around us changed of density, I was forced to gasp, my skin feeling as if it was being prickled all over. Noah grunted and Domenic closed his eyes. The only one who remained impassive was Isabella. Being completely insensitive to the fluctuation of magic can be as much a blessing as a curse.

Mathias stood up, dusting his hands as he sighed. "Now, it's finally done."

"Do you think Adela will be able to defeat your father, even without him having access to the mana in the castle?" I asked, worried. I mean, I didn't doubt the method since I've seen it working before, but I also didn't know much about the viscount's capabilities in combat even without magic, so...

"If she doesn't, then August and Gale and Felix and Oscar definitely will! How difficult can it be taking down a single guy like-?"

"Stop right there! Don't jinx it by saying things like that without thinking!" I scolded Noah just as he was jumping excitedly, diminishing the menace of a viscount without mana access. He snorted, smiling tauntingly at me.

"Whaaaaaat, you really believe in those things? Aren't you a little too old? Ummmmmmm?"

"Isa! He's making fun of me!" I turned to the only person who could put a stop to this idiot. Noah gasped.

"Hey! You can't go telling on others like that!"

"What telling on others?! She's right here, hearing everything you say!"

"...I'm going to the main courtyard alone..."

Mathias said that as he shook his head at us, walking away without looking back. I felt my eyebrows twitching. Whatever he was acting all mature for? When he was nothing more than a spoiled brat.

Isabella sighed, hitting Noah on the head once before going after Mathias. Noah sputtered, offended, though he soon forgot about it and huffed, puffing out his chest and following them. I was left behind, biting my lips in anger while Domenic watched me worriedly.

"It's better if we go as well. Do you feel good enough to continue?"

I blinked, my anger forgotten momentarily. "Yes, of course. Why do you ask?" Then my brows furrowed in worry. "You don't think I should stay behind, do you? I mean, I know I can't fight myself, but Noah will tell you how much I helped back then on the dining room against Sebastian. I can be of help."

"That's not what I meant" he shook his head before pointing with his chin at the retreating trio. We followed them as he continued talking. "You don't look very... comfortable around us. It was apparent before but since meeting with that young man there, you seem more on edge. That can be dangerous. Personal feelings are inevitable, but if we don't control them, especially in a situation like this, it can only lead to our destruction."

"..." I glanced down, for some reason feeling guilty. I couldn't exactly control what I felt towards Mathias, but the fact Domenic noted how I wasn't really at ease even before the boy entered the scene, made me feel ashamed. It wasn't their fault. It wasn't Domenic's fault. "I'm sorry. With Mathias, I... have a bit of a history, that's all. And to be honest, Noah and Isabella's hyper makes me a bit..."

Domenic snorted, a smile appearing on his face. "Ah, yes, the two of them sure are full of energy, no?" he sighed. "They're not bad kids though. Once you get used to their antics, it's actually very enjoyable being with them. And they're serious when it counts. Never saw them taking a job lightly."

"Yes, I can imagine" I confirmed, nodding. I didn't need the memories from the manga, I already saw their seriousness back then in the dining room. "I'm not worried about them screwing up or something... they're the experts here, not me. It's just that..."

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