Arc 1. Chapter 4-1

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I could barely keep my eyes open. Never before in my life had I felt this kind of pain. I got hurt numerous times both in my past life and in my current one, sometimes seriously so, but somehow I never fractured anything. Part of me was curious just how much strength Mathias had to cleanly fracture my leg like that. But a bigger part was cursing him, hating him so much.

"I hate you..." I cried. My head was cradled against his chest. He was carrying me bridal style, being careful with my leg. He tied a long branch with some cloth to stabilize it. Despite that, every time he took a step the shaking made me clench my teeth and more words to spill from my mouth. "You're a monster. I hate you so much..."

He said nothing. His face was a mask.

"Say something at least, you bastard..."

The castle walls were coming closer and closer. Guards were alert and waiting for us. They bowed as they saw us but they kept their eyes strictly looking forward. They were purposely avoiding my gaze, out of guilt or incommodity, I didn't know.

As soon as Mathias walked a few meters inside the castle with me in arms, a familiar voice called out to us, making the bastard carrying me halt.

"Mathias! What have you done?!"

I lifted my head slightly seeing Lucas running towards us. His face was pale, his eyes glancing from me, to Mathias, to my broken leg over and over. In the back of my head I wondered if he had been waiting for us. There was no else in the vicinity to say he was made to wait by his father, at least.

"Lucas, what are you doing out here?" Mathias asked with a calm voice, but I felt his hold on me tightening. I moaned in pain due to the hypersensibility of my body at the moment. Lucas' eyes flew to my face, before looking at his brother again, his gaze fierce.

"Put her down" he pronounced slowly. Mathias raised his eyebrows.

"Lucas, listen..."

"I said to put her down!" he shouted this time, surprising us both. It was the first time I heard such anger coming from him. All this time he had been so meek, if just a little cheeky.

I could tell Mathias wasn't expecting that. "Lucas..."

"Not 'Lucas' me! If you don't put Elaine down right now, I'll make you!" he hissed, looking very serious and very ready to fulfill his threat. And although I was undeniably moved by his anger, I really didn't want to be stuck in the middle of their fight. Enough I had with just lying unmoving in Mathias' arms and feeling excruciating pain nonetheless.

I looked at Mathias expectantly, hoping he would obey his brother. Like before, his face didn't show his emotions, but there was a little frown between his brows. I could tell he was very troubled by his brother finding out what he had done. Regardless, after a moment longer of staring at each other without saying anything, he finally nodded, moving to lay me down on the ground, my back supported by a pillar.

I winced in pain again.

"Elaine, are you alright?" Lucas kneeled next to me, his hand hovering over me as if he wanted to touch me but didn't know where. His eyes were wandering all over my body, probably trying to find out if I was hurt anywhere else. So much worry towards me made me admittedly embarrassed, to be completely honest.

"I have a fucking broken leg; do you think I'm alright?" I answered, becoming annoyed at the fuzzy feeling growing on my belly. I regretted my harsh tone immediately, but said nothing to apologize.

"Oh... well, you're right" Lucas nodded, biting his lips and finally sitting down. He brought his hands over to my leg and sent me a meaningful glance for which I was surprised.

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