Chapter 10: Stolen Cookies

Start from the beginning

What was the most distinctive feature of the set-up, though, was the manicured hedge in the middle of the courtyard that was trimmed to represent a trident.

"Is that-"

"It's my mom's family crest," Tourm said. "Uncle Aiden said it represents my family."

A trident?

My thoughts were muddled as I wondered what it represents or why her mom's family had a crest. Were they royals?

It would explain the castle.

Tourmaline led me to the pergola swing as she began telling me about the beach and I noticed that her hair was unitedly thrown into a ponytail.

"Do you want me to braid your hair?" I asked her and from her reaction, I could tell that she doesn't have her hair braided often.

"Yes, please," She said as she turned around for me to have access to her pastel pink hair.

" Jenny your aunt?" I asked nonchalantly as I loosen her hair.

She shook her head, "No."

Huh, had I known that Jenny wasn't family, I would have given her a piece of my mind. Or a memorable bite from a wolf.

But I also didn't want to put my two cents where it didn't belong and if Aiden trusted her to take care of Tourmaline, then I had to respect that because he's her uncle. I didn't have a place in saying what I thought about Jenny's scolding of Tourmaline, but I also wasn't going to let this sweet girl be subject to her awful manner of teaching.

Patience was key here. I just also had to ensure I was around Tourm and Jenny more to make a solid case. That is of course, if he believed me against the word of Jenny.

Tourm continued, "Jenny was mommy's helper and started taking care of me after..."

My hands briefly froze in the middle of braiding her hair at the tone she used. Her voice dripped with the pain no five-year-old should carry as her shoulders sagged.

I tread cautiously and gently as I asked, "After what?"

"After Anvi was taken by the vampires. She was my mom's best friend."


A million questions surfaced in my head as I considered what Tourmaline disclosed. But none that I could truly ask her.

Deciding that changing the topic is the wise decision, I asked if she usually braids her hair.

"Not really. Jenny never wants to do, Uncle Aiden tried, and he was horrible," she exaggerated by throwing up her hands and giggling.

"Well, we're just going to have to teach him," I decided.

She agreed as she started firing off questions at me. Everything from how many siblings I had to the colour of my wolf.

I could tell she loved the way I braided her hair as she delicately placed it over her slender shoulder. As we made our way through the castle after, she stopped and showed it off to everyone and even though I've known her for less than a day, she's already eating away at my heart.

It was no wonder Aiden was wrapped around her little finger.

We ran around the castle for most of the day. Through the kitchen stealing sweets from the pantry, up to the north watchtower where we nearly set off an alarm before the guard kicked us out with a laugh, to a playroom where Tourm showed me her favourite doll, it was a mermaid with blue hair. And lastly, we ended up in the library.

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