wom 7- Meet Maël

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Mael stared at one's garden, the plants dried out, flowers bent in agony, and the broken pots spoiled the view. A guy passed by him, then went up the steps of his porch.

"You live here sir?"

Turning, Colin tried to conceal his impatience. "What do you sell?"

"I'm a gardener sir, I do gardening services."

Colin opened the door, seemingly not interested.

"I'm known for growing sunflowers. I have noticed you seemed to like them."Mael pointed at the row of sunflowers, the only flowers clinging to survival.

"Be honest with me." Drawing closer to the youth, Colin eyed him suspiciously. The teen looked tired, he wore tainted clothes, and damaged shoes.

"I'm looking for a place to stay; your shed is fully vacant. But it's all true, I worked all my life in the De Tovar residence. In exchange of my stay, I would bring life to your garden sir."

"De Tovar?" Colin was confused, the surname was bloody familiar.

"Senorita Emilia and their family love sunflowers a lot. They are very delighted when they see it. It reminds them of-"

Without any hesitation, Colin welcomed the teen in his home. At his command, Mael bathe, dressed himself in decent clothes, ate a bountiful meal, and then reported to Colin.

"Be honest with me Mael, why did you lose your job. Tell me who fired you." Colin clasped his hands and leaned forward toward the lad.

Tristan turned away from the violin shop. Shoulders slumped; he continued wandering as his guilt intensified. It was an accident, but his carelessness brought burden to others; this simple mistake came along way of bothering a stranger's life.

A stranger?

Rubbing the back of his neck, he started to ponder that one. The moment his eyes met Colin's, he knew he had seen those before. He thought it belonged to someone, someone he truly knew, but couldn't remember or simply gone.

Tristan strode along the row of commercial buildings, mini shops, and restaurants.

"Hey." Tristan cursed as the same man from the auditorium stern eyes glanced at him. He tried to move, but failed. The man neared him, grabbed his arm, and whispered.

"Let's talk."

Tristan had no idea but later on found himself in an alley, listening intently to a stranger. He was only half-listening at first but as this man named Martin mentioned about money, wealthy family, and imposters; Tristan's bloody sure he would be swimming in gold soon. The man looked nicer than any other con-man. No one would have thought this man was up to something, something way beyond his grasp.

"I don't know you and how you found me. You talked too much." Tristan clicked his tongue. "Honestly, I couldn't understand what you've been blabbering about."

"Ah! About that..." Martin inflated his chest and beamed at him. Tristan was very direct, he was surprised.

"Here is the most awaited question though." Martin coughed in excitement. "Do you play the violin?"

Tristan shook it off in an instant, turned away and laughed. "Are you kidding me?!"

A solemn week passed, Colin was enjoying Mael's accompany. The teen was bright, well spoken, and is a really good gardener. Mael has a huge respect for his master. He has a talent of being quite too, he allowed Colin to  mourn just to ease the pain. Mael focused on how to make the garden pleasant, growing sunflowers was his ultimate goal: he wanted to see his master smile again.

Admiring the sudden changes in his yard, Isabel stood outside the fence, waiting for Colin to come out.

"Good morning, Miss." Mael popped out, gardening tools on both arms. He beamed her a smile. "Name's Mael."

"Oh. Colin got a companion. That's a good news. I brought food." she stepped in. "How's he doing?"

"Slightly improving, the thing is...I noticed he got rid of the stove. The stove is in the shed where I should sleep, but master is too kind. I slept in the sala." Mael leaned forward. Ysabel blinked, not understanding. "What I meant, who would get rid of a stove? How can he cook?"

Isabel seemed to remember the night he saw that guy's burning arm. That rainy night. That was Colin.  She ran her hands over her face. "Oh, how come I did not recognize him."


"Isabel why are you here?" The door opened, Colin gave them a warm smile. Isabel could sitll sense the pain radiating in his eyes, and as he met  her gaze, hers drifted towards his burnt arm.

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