"Welcome to Eleven City Diner. What can I get for you today?"

"Yeah let me get the Angus Steakburger meal, no tomato and a sprite."

"Will that be all for you today sir?"

"Yeah that's it."

"Your total is $8.27. Come around to the next window for me."

The car drove around. It was the dude who got me the job. "Nice to see you doing ya job kid." He said. "Thanks for getting me this job." I said with a small smile. "No problem. Here." He said handing me a twenty. "Keep the change." He said.

After I got off work I called Messiah to come pick me up with his dads car.


"Finally." I said getting inside. "My bad. My mom was being extra. You ready?" I asked. "Stop be by my house first. I need a change of clothes."

"Aren't you worried about your sister?" He asked. "I'll just sneak through my window. I'll be quick."


When we pulled up to my house, there was a whole bunch if cars and music blasting. I guess she decided to throw her own party. I didn't tell her where I was going so I had to be as low key as possible. I went around the back going into my room through the window.

The house reeked of weed and booze. I went into my closet grabbing some ripped jeans and a hoodie. I put on my slip on vans and left back out the window.

"That was quick." Messiah said once I got in the car. "I told you it wasn't going to take long. Now drive before somebody comes out here." He pulled off making his way to the address Garcia gave me.


We got there seeing a boat load of cars. They had the whole street blocked off. "Too many damn people out here." Messiah said.

We got a parking space and walked inside the party. "YOOO! YOU ACTUALLY CAME!" Garcia yelled walking up to me. "Wassup boy toy." He said looking at Messiah. "Don't make me drop yo ass." He said clenching his jaw. "Here." He pulled two shots off the table. "I don't drink." I said. "C'mon its a party. Just one shot." Garcia said. I looked over at Messiah who already took his.

He goes to parties sometimes so he's used to this. "What the hell." I shrugged. I took the shot feeling the burning in my throat. "Gosh that shit is strong." I said. "There's food and stuff like that in the kitchen. Knock yourselves out."


"Its not that bad." I said after being here for about two hours. My phone started ringing. It was April. I ignored and continued dancing to the music that was playing. A few seconds later, a text came through.

Delivered : 11:17 p.m

The fuck is she yelling for. I ignored that too and went to go find Messiah. "Garcia you seen Messiah?" I asked him. "Who?"

"Boy toy."

"Oh uh, I think he went upstairs with some chick. I advise you to not go up there." He laughed. "Okay then." I went out to the front of the house where more people were.

"TREVAE!" I heard my name being yelled. I looked up seeing April. Ugh. Everyone outside got quiet. "April can you please just go." I sighed. "Get yo ass in this car before I fuck you up." She said through the window. You could see people from inside the house coming out.

"I'll come home when I'm ready." I said. She got out the car. "You got ten seconds girl." I just stood there. She walked up to me. "April move."

"WHOOP HER ASS!" Some drunk yelled from behind me. I turned around to walk back into the house. April kicked me in my back causing to me hit the concrete. "I told you I don't like being embarrassed." She said crouching down next to me. She grabbed my hair pulling my head up. "Find your own ride home." She scoffed. She walked back to her car driving off.

"Trevae!" I heard my name being yelled. Messiah helped me off the floor. "Come on." He said trying to walk to the car. "I'll take the train." I said wiping my face. "I have a whole car Trevae come on."

"No. I need to be by myself. I'll take the train and walk back to your house. Make sure you're there to open your window." I said walking off. I pulled my hoodie over my head thinking about what just happened.


I had made it halfway to the train station but I stopped to take a break. There was a park up the block that I walked to. I sat down on the bench just feeling the wind. I heard yelling and fighting going on in an alley. I was bored so I went to check it out. It was probably the same two crackheads fighting over territory like they always do. Them fights be entertaining on the low.

"I told you I wanted my fucking money and you played me." A male voice said. "I swear, I'm not the one playing with yo money. I'd never do you like that." Another voice said. He was crying. I got closer to see what was going on. "I hate getting out of character Ricky and you know that. But I don't play bout my fucking money."

"A-Ace man I swear. I-I didn't do anything." As I was getting closer my foot stepped on a branch. "Fuck." I said. "WHO OUT HERE!" He yelled. I started running. I looked back seeing someone chasing me. I do not want to die tonight.

"I WILL FUCKING SHOOT YOU! STOP RUNNING!" The dude yelled. I stopped with my hands in the air. The dude approached me with a ski mask and a hoodie. "I swear I ain't see nothing. I ain't hear nothing I was just going home man." I said avoiding eye contact.

He grabbed me flipping my body over his shoulder. "What the fuck put me down!" I said hitting his back.

Out of nowhere, everything went black.



Hood Baby (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن