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*Ten Years Later*

"Draco come on! We're going to be late!" I heard a grumble come from our bedroom before a crashing sound came right afterwords; a string of curse words falling from his lips. I shook my head and walked down stairs where Hermione and Ron were,

"Thank you for doing this, we won't be any longer than a few hours if I'm lucky, Draco really isn't looking forward to seeing his dad" Hermione smiled as I handed over my son who had only just turned a year; Scorpius.

I combed my hands threw his hair as he tried to grab for my fingers. Icy blue eyes that were identical to his father's looked at me; his white-blonde hair almost glittering in the sunlight and shined threw the window.

"Dont worry about it Iris, Ron and I are happy to keep him company; it's good practice" she gave Ron and look who turned red and looked away,

"I thought we said we would wait a bit longer?" Hermione raised a brow,

"It's been 7 years Ronald how much longer can we go before we're too old?" He shrugged and looked away while Hermione scoffed; chuckling with me once we saw how embarrassed he was.

"Iris are you ready?" Draco walked into the room, wearing a dark blue long sleeve and blue pants; he looked really good.

"Yes I've been ready for the last ten minutes" I teased, pecking his lips once he was in front. I watched him say goodbye to Scorpius, we were still at a stage where it felt weird leaving Scorpius anywhere that we weren't. Draco grabbed my hand and we aparated to the Ministry, we had to use specific transportation in order to get there.

Draco looked down at me as we made our way to Kingsley's office, taking in my outfit.

"You look really nice" I blushed and thanked him, I wasn't ever going to get used to his compliments. He let go of my hand as we made it to the office and knocked on the door. The door opened on it's own and we walked inside, seeing Kingsley and a few others I didn't recognize.

"Ah Draco, what brings you here?"

"I was wanting to use the flow powder so that I could visit my father; mother told me she mentioned it to you?" Right as he said it the doors opened again, revealing Mrs. Malfoy; she looked towards us and walked over; hugging Draco. He's built his relationship back up with his mother; I was very happy for him. She still wasn't very...fond of me but she was better than when we first met.

"How's Scorp?" One thing that I was thankful for was that she somehow loved our son; how? I wasn't sure but I wasn't about to make ay complains.

"Ah yes Narcissa, I had almost forgotten about that. Yes, go right down the hall; it's the third fireplace to the right" Draco nodded and walked down with his mother, I waved goodbye to Kingsley before following behind. I watched as Draco and his mother talked, I wanted to give them their space. I could tell that whenever I was in the room with them it would get a bit awkward; he's tried talking to his mother several times but I've told him to drop it. If she wants to she'll come around eventually.

"Scorpius said his first word the other day"

"What did he say?"

"Momma" there was a slight pause and I could feel myself cringing, why did you mention that? I love you but sometimes we just need to keep a few things between the two of us.

His Little Flower- Draco Malfoy Love Story  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now