Chapter Thirteen: Breakthrough

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"Alright are you ready?"

"Just get on with it Potter I just want to get this over with" we were at it again, I was in the same chair as last time. Potter raised his wand and pointed it at my head, muttering the charm where I felt the familiar pressure as before. It was becoming less painful and I found that I could hold him off a lot longer before my body gets tired.

I could feel the walls break before I felt him in my thoughts again, that's one thing that I was grateful for; now I could detect if someone was in my head.

"Stay focused Malfoy" I rolled my eyes but tried to keep my mind focus on the task at hand, we needed to figure out where these guys were before it got worse.

"...Better..." Potter put his other hand on his wand and I felt the pressure grow stronger, this was the first time he used both hands and I wasn't used to it. My eyes shut and my hands clenched against the arms of the chair, I could feel my fingers losing feeling with how tight I had them.

Finally, when I felt as if I was about to break, I felt the spell ware off. I leaned forward in the chair, panting as if I had just run a mile.

"You did it, now you can start looking for Lestrange and Greyback" I looked up at Potter, still panting. I glared at him a bit, I just mastered Occlumency and now he wants to jump right in with Legilimency?

"Harry I think he could use a break first" we both looked at the door, Granger walking in with her arms crossed. For once I agreed with the muggle-born, I could feel my stomach grumble. We had been at this all morning without a break and I felt like I was going to pass out if I didn't do something about it.

"Hermione, Lestrange and Greyback are probably out there getting closer to wherever we're going. They aren't taking breaks." She pursed her lips and looked at me, cocking her head towards the door.

"I made sandwiches, did you want some?" I got up and walked out with her before Potter could say anything, he was not going to stop me from eating.

I saw Blaise and Weasley already at the table, two sandwiches on their plates. Though Weasley was already grabbing for his third.

"Woah Weasley are you going to save any for us?" He gave me a glare before going mack to his meal, I sat down after grabbing a plate and putting a few sandwiches on it.

I accio'd some water and ate both egg salad sandwiches; I felt more awake and satisfied that I didn't have that hunger pain feeling anymore.Though, I will admit Iris's sandwiches were better. Granger and Weasley were still eating while Blaise was finished with me. I looked at him and saw that he was already looking at me with a frown on his face.

I've been thinking about what Iris had said about trying to talk with my mother, and I feel like I should do the same with Blaise. He's my best mate and I really don't feel like being upset at him anymore. I gave him a small smile and he returned it, looking a lot better after that exchange.

"So" I looked beside me as Potter sat down, he was giving me a stance look. It made me feel a bit uncomfortable, I was nervous to see what he had to say.

"That memory that I long have you known each other for?" That made everyone interested, though I think Blaise had an idea who he was talking about.

His Little Flower- Draco Malfoy Love Story  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now