Chapter Three: Cafe Talks

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I woke up the next morning sprawled out on the bed; I leaned on my elbows and cringed when I felt a twinge in my back from sleeping on an awkward angle. I got to my feet and brushed my hair out of my eyes; flattening it behind my ears. I looked in the mirror and frowned, I looked as horrible as I felt. I had dark circles under my eyes from not sleeping well last night; I think I got 4 hours sleep. I kept waking up to my mom crying; I felt bad about last night. I don't want to ruin things between my mom and I; but she needs to understand why I think father should be in Azkaban.

My frown deepened; yeah like I'm ever going to convince her that.

I decided to take a shower; I'd rather procrastinate than see my mother right now.

I went across the hall and grabbed a towel from the linen closet the was beside the door. I hopped I the shower and quickly rises myself off for the day; I got out and dried myself off while drying my hair wth my wand. I put on some clothes and slowly made my way downstairs.

I didn't hear my mom, maybe she's still in bed?

My thoughts were confirmed when I made it to the kitchen; the house elf wasn't even downstairs making breakfast yet. I grabbed a mug and poured some water in the mug; heating it up with my wand. I put some tea, sugar and cream and stirred it. I took a sip and smiled; I loved tea in the mornings. I looked at the time and saw that it was only 7 in the morning.

"Well I don't want to be here all day" I mumbled; taking another sip of my tea.

"I wonder what Blaise is up too" I asked out loud; it was still too early in the morning to bother Blaise; I would have to wait until at least 10 before heading over. He likes to sleep n on his days off.

I finished my tea and put it in the sink; waving my wand I let it clean itself.

'What do I do now' I thought about it; I didn't want to be here when mother woke up.

'I wonder if the coffee shop is open' probably, I mean most coffee shops open at 6:30AM.

I took my wand out and aparated out of the manor; now standing in front of the doors I saw that it was open. I looked closer and smiled when I saw the girl from before; Iris.

I walked in and saw that I was the only one in the shop; they must have their rush at 8 so it's a good thing I came now.

Iris looked up and smiled when she saw me; I felt my heart flutter as I smiled back.

"Hey long time no see stranger" I chuckled once I made it to the till,

"I guess you could say that"

"So what can I get for ya?" I looked at the menu and ordered a coffee; I was going to be wide awake now. When I skimmed over the food I saw a Raspberry Tart; that sounded good.

"Could I also have a raspberry tart?" She hummed a reply,

"That's one of my favourites" she gave me another smile before finishing up my order; I reached for my wallet but she stopped me.

"Don't you remember our deal?" I flushed and nodded as she giggled; walking into the back to make my coffee.

What's going on with me lately? I feel weird and...warm. God that sounded cheesy; I'm not a cheesy guy why do I feel so weird?!

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