Chapter Four: The Place I Used to Call Home

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I knocked on Blaise's door to his apartment; ever since we graduated he moved out of his parent's house. He didn't agree with what his parents did either; that's one reason why I always got along with Blaise better than anyone else.

I could hear footsteps getting closer to the door before they stopped; I stared into the peephole until he opened up. He looked at me as he rubbed his eyes; he was still in his PJ's.

"Blaise, it's 2:00 in the afternoon, why are you in your pyjamas's?"

"It's 2:00 in the afternoon on a Saturday why aren't you in your pyjama's?" I blinked and smirked,

"Touche" i walked passed him once he let me in and sat down on the chair in his living room.

It was a nice apartment, it had two bedrooms, a spacious living room and kitchen.

"Have you changed something in here?"

"I got a new couch but that's about it" I nodded, I wish I could live out on my own; but I know it would break my mother's heart if I left right now.

"Was there a reason why you came to visit me today?" There really wasn't any reason, I just wanted to try and pass as much time as I could before I had to go back to the Manor.

"I'm just trying to avoid the Manor right now" I laughed awkwardly and scratched behind my neck; he raised a brow at me before getting up and going to the kitchen.

"Talk to me" and before long I was telling him everything that happened between my mother and I last night.

"And she's still taking his side no matter how wrong it is and I don't know what to do" I was panting a bit; all the pent up anger that I had for them just spewed out before I could stop myself; Blaise nodded the whole time as he filled up two teas for us; handing me one before he sat down on the couch.

"Look Draco, I'm going to be completely honest with you" I nodded, taking a drink of my tea before setting it down on the coffee table.

"Go on" he pauses before he continues,

"You're never going to impress them, and it's as simple as that. Your father will always be a supporter just like mine was, and your mother will always take his side because she thinks that's the right thing to do. I wouldn't waste your time getting mad at the same answer; I hate to break this to you but they won't change; they never do once they follow him" Blaise turned his head away from me as I frowned. That wasn't the answer I was expecting really.

"But there's got to be a way; even if it was just my mother" he sighed and clenched his hands together in his lap.

"Draco if you want to be happy than I wouldn't waste your time trying, you're going to be waiting your whole life before they change their minds" I bit my lip and grabbed my tea, chugging the whole thing and getting up from my seat.

"Well I appreciate the talk but I should go"


"-No I've heard enough, thank you for your advice but I think I'll stick to my own" I headed towards the door and pulled it open,

His Little Flower- Draco Malfoy Love Story  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now