Chapter Eleven - Understanding the Wizarding World

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I grabbed onto my jacket and threw it over my shoulders; I tugged my purse over my shoulder as well as I waved goodbye to Dave, the boy who trained me today.

"See you tomorrow Iris!" He gave me a smile which I retired before leaving; the sound of the bell dinging as I left.

It was about 5:30, Layne's wasn't supposed to close until 9 but since I was training he let me live early. It was a longer day and he did say that it wasn't going to be like that once my training was over; I didn't mind though I needed the money since I left my last job. Walking down the street I was relieved to see that it was still light out, it was starting to get cold so the nights were showing earlier than before. The street lights weren't even on yet.

I didn't know what exactly to make for dinner, I knew Draco wasn't going to be home for another few hours. But, I'm really tired from my job. I have to do so many more recipes than what I'm used too; but I love it. I don't feel bored at this job; it feels a lot friendlier too so far.

I looked to my left and saw a bright yellow light in the shape of an M. At that point I knew I wasn't going to make dinner.

I walked into McDonald's and saw that it was busy inside, then again when isn't McDonald's busy? I weaved my way around teens and crying children before I made it to the line up, luckily I wasn't too far behind and it actually didn't take me long to order my food.

I went to the left where you waited for your order as I went through my phone, trying to distract myself for the next few minutes.

Suddenly I had the feeling that I was being watched, I looked up but saw no one around me. I just like of shrugged it off and went back to my phone.

But then I felt it again, only this time much stronger. I once again looked up and saw a man with brown hair, he also seemed to have some facial hair and was wearing all black. I got this uneasy feeling from him but tried to ignore him, he was across from me so I didn't really expect him to come over here while there were so many people around.

I was wrong.

The next time I looked up I almost screamed because suddenly he was right next to me. I gave him a weak smile before looking up at the screen, hoping that my meal was next to cook.

Thankfully it was, I could see them cooking up the fries as I thought this.

"Hey" I gave him a side glance and nodded once,

"Hey" I replied, hoping that I didn't have to say anything else.

"Waiting for your order too?" I nodded,

"Same here" I didn't see hm order though, and on the screen so far it only had my number on it; plus I didn't see him with the receipt.

"So what do you do around here?" I gave him a weird look and he laughed; though it didn't sound genuine.

"Sorry, I'm new around here so I don't know anyone" I felt my shoulders relax a bit, hoping that this guy was just trying to be nice. though, I still couldn't shake the feeling he gave me when I first looked at him.

His Little Flower- Draco Malfoy Love Story  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now