A/N - Tagged

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I never thought the day would come. What a holy gift that has been bestowed upon thyself. And what is this holy blessing that had fallen from heaven you may ask? Well... 

I was tagged. 



Yep, that's it! Might not seem alot to some people, but for some reason, it just made me hella happy. Like a dog getting a treat. And Imma be honest, I'm not to sure what getting tagged really means, but hey, I'm an attention staved gay ass teen so I'll take anything. 

And which holy saint (let's be honest everyone on Wattpad is not a saint and is very sin-y) has bestowed this gift upon me? 

None other than s0m3d4y

Thank you so much for the tag!!

1. Yes, she means alot to me, and she's very pwetty, even if she thinks she's not. 

2. Honeslty not sure, like we cuddle all the time whenever I go to her place, and the two of use are hella close and touchy compared to our other friends and uh I just dunno. I'm 100% sure she knows that I like her, but we don't talk about it since I'm pretty sure neither of us want to ruin out friendship. 

3. Erik 

4. I'm as single as a 50 year old virgin 

5. I recently dropped by girl bff because she decided to date my ex. Yeah that kinda fucked up my mental health, since the same thing happened in Alberta before I moved to Vancouver with my old best friend. So yeah. 

6. My guy best friend is as straight as a drag queen wearing men's lingere, stocking, and 7 inch heels while twerking on a stage while 'Literal Legend' by Ayesha Erotica is playing in the background. He doesn't go to the same school as me, and because of quarentine, we can't meet up as much as we do before. We used to sneak out at night all the time, get chicken nuggets, and climb this Christan church that has a really easily assesible roof. Yeah we spray painted pentagrams on the roof. Ya know, the norm. 

7. My heart is constantly going back to Iwaoi. Mainly because of the background to their relationship, weather that be romantic or genuine friendship. Plus they just hella cute, and anyone who says Oikawa is the top is wrong. 

8. The last person I texted was actually my ex, and we were talking about how to disect frogs...

9. Literal Legend by Ayesha Erotica, it be a boop. 

10. 85%

11. My lockscreen can shuffle between a file of videos I have of anime boys, so putting that here would be way to much. But here's my homescreen: 

 But here's my homescreen: 

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...what. got a problem? 

12. The reason I made Wattpad was a mix of things. For one, I was drunk (where I'm from underage drinking is pretty normal so chill) Also, it's an outlet for me. I love writing, and I have alot of stress, and writing is really relaxing. 

13. March 3, same as Tanaka! 

14. No way in hell I'll be able to do 20 tags, so I went through a bit of the people who follow me and chose some authors. I'm pretty sure I'm just supposed to tag ppl who have published something, right? If I'm wrong please tell me so. 







Have a nice day everyone!!

Ezi Ezi 

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